You won't complete Path of Valor #1 (Probably) Analysis, Complaining, and Suggestion

Funny you should say this.

Every single one of my suggestions have been made with full consideration of SG’s motives So much so that multiple people have accused me of being an SG spy

I fully understand that SG’s goal is to make money; at the same time, I fully understand that user happiness is a key metric that is heavily correlated with ARPU.

The fact is, POV rewards are worse than every other feature in the game over a 60 day period, and yet takes more effort than every other feature.

IF short term revenue was the goal, they would not need beta-testers, and they would not have nerfed JF and season 3 realm bonuses. There would be exponential power creep, because that’s what will get more whales to pay. But it isn’t. There are many more factors involved, and balancing features, whether that’s heroes or other features, makes sense, both from a player enjoyment perspective AND long-term business practise.

Fact is, user opinions matter, and they matter a lot to any viable business. And there’s nothing wrong with showing both SG and other users why POV should probably be changed. It can only benefit both users and SG in the long run. Or do nothing, but, it’s not like posts complaining about people who actually want a win-win situation with good, fun, balanced game for everyone and good revenue for SG has any use either.