Hero Academy! Can we please have more information?

I mean… let’s be honest here, we accepted Alchemy lab, we’re going to accept anything for HA :stuck_out_tongue:

I really like my idea because from a programming point of view, it’s super easy to implement rather than new, convoluted changes that require new items, new mechanics, a bunch of new classes (I mean in the code) and functions and bleh…

And then, they’d have to think about balance and how to change that balance.

Instead, in my proposal, implementation is super easy, different levels of HA also make sense (somewhat, where as in your guys’ straight off trading 5star for 5 star proposals, what do you propose for the other levels of HA? More new mechanics (programming headaches)?)

And balance is easy to change by tweaking the number of heroes needed and the number of tokens outputted.

I see it as a realistic thing that can actually be implemented, and WILL help f2p players increase chances (however small) for non farmable heroes. Which to me, is a win because otherwise there’s a good chance HA will turn out as disappointing as Alchemy lab, or like costumes, where you’re still paying atlantis prices for… not really anything.

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