XP values for leveling costumes using feeders across all rarities

I did this from my own calculations when leveling them up using heroes. If anyone can confirm if these are correct please do so.

Off-color 1*: 300
On-color 1*: 450
Off-color 2*: 780
On-color 2*: 1170
Off-color 3*: 1260
On-color 3*: 1890
Off-color 4*: 1800
On-color 4*: 2700
Off-color 5*: 2400
On-color 5*: 3600

I am still in the middle of gathering the xp amounts using the costumes but I have to wait for a fresh ascension to get the full numbers for on color xp gains. I will put down what I have for now.

Off-color 3*: 3200
On-color 3*: 4800
Off-color 4*: 4600
On-color 4*: 6900
Off-color 5*:
On-color 5*:

The ones that are blank, I do not have yet. If anyone has the numbers for those please post them so it can be filled. I have none of the vanilla 5 stars that got costumes in this round. Hopefully Leonidas will get his costume next round.

Big thanks @TWAndrews for the on color 3* and 4* costume values.

Another big thanks to @Gryphonknight for the xp multipliers.



Sorry but just the title alone already had me thinkin of you lol


For costumes on-color 4* is 6900, on-color 3* is 4800.

Duplicate costumes are a crazy lot of xp.


XP gained by costume = 2.5 times the XP gained by the underlying hero for on colour feeder.

XP gained by costume = 2 times the XP gained by the underlying hero for off colour feeder.

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Using Heroes to level costumes

off color Costume XP= 2x off color Hero XP

same color Costume XP= 3x off color Hero XP

Using Costumes to level costumes

off color Costume XP= appropriate 2.54x 2x off color Hero XP

same color Costume XP= appropriate 2.54x 3x off color Hero XP

Duplicate Costume XP= appropriate 2.54x 8x off color Hero XP