Hi people… I am levelling both of them to maximum… and now I have to chose who to give my 350 wizard emblems! Anzogh is my first 5* red at max level… And I have Seshat at maximum… and then Rigard with emblems… and Merlin at max… I think both of them can be useful… Anzogh defending at wars and using him in raids with Wilbur and Wu… and Merlin is su useful against bosses during events (I have Hansel too)… I don’t know what to do… if someone has this guys with talents help me by advicing me please!
If Anzogh is on your War defense, then he should get them.
I would chose Merlin. With 350 emblems on him you will get instant effect. Your Merlin will start to survive 5* snipers in raids and his own punch will become noticable. With 350 emblems on Anzogh you will see no difference at all.
And you can reset emblems from Merlin nd give them to Anzogh when you will have around 1000 wizards emblems in total.
Anzogh would be the right choice.
However, emblem the ones that you would use the most.
@Jamir I have Anzogh at +9 and he’s been a great hero for me. You can get him to +6 and you can gain 30 attack, 18 def and 30 hp.
If he’s on your defense he can benefit from those talents.
I have Merlin but no talents on him. Proteus gets the ones Anzogh hasn’t received.