Whom to level up: Scarlett or Gormekk

I now, they are totally different charakters, but I only have the stuff to bring one red to the last levels.

I think you should know a little bit about my team to help, so here we go:

Vivica 3-60
Gormekk 3-60
Zyprian 3-60
Little John 3-60
Scarlett 3-60
Kiril 3-60
Tiburtus 3-60
Rigard ( unleveld, as I have Vivica )

My current line up:

Little John-Gormekk-Zyprian-Vivica-Scarlett

Thanks in advance.

Gormek is kind of mandatory hero (if you don‘t have wilbur) so he gets my vote

I’ve got both too. Decided to go for Gormek and he had been my reliable tank till Boltusk and Kashhrek comes around.
4 blue tiles with Wu Kong charged and Scarlett is gone.

Ramming pulverizer trio, grimm, gormek, tibby is essential. U won’t regret prioritize those 3. U will use them in the long run

I got Wilbur before Gormek so mine will sit at 3/60 for a looooong time.
On the other hand, Scarlett is and will still be really useful both for titans and AWs. She gets my vote.

If you plan to try more pulls in Atlantis, I suggest you to wait until then. If you get Wilbur you can forget Gormek, if not it’s still a solid choice.

Scarlett benefits more from being level 70 than Gormek. That isn’t to say up her instead of him, just that if you eventually want to do both you’ll benefit more from Scarlett being maxed.

On a side note you really should level Rigard. He is that good. You will not regret it.

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Tibertus and gormek have the same skill so I would go with either rigard and gormek or scarlett and tibertus for now. But yes Rigard is fantastic, and faster mana than vivica, but because you have vivica I would choose scarlett and tib. You have some great heroes and you will want to lvl them all over time :slight_smile:

Gormek without any hesitation

My Gormek was the first 4* I pulled up to final acsention and helped pulverize my way through the game! He’s my beefcake! I vote for him as the red to use your items on. His defense down is a great skill to have and invaluable for titans. He also is an ok tank. I’d say better than Scarlett for that purpose.

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Thanks everybody for the support.

I decided to go on with Gormekk, as I think his ( higher ) tank quality is more usefull ans he saved my a$$ a lot of times.

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Of course, time by time, I will go on to level all of them.

But, just for my understanding:

What will be my benefit if I use Rigard instead of Vivica?
OK, he is faster on mana ( around 5 tiles ) but she provides my team more defensive ( in LP as well as with her spez ) and her overall values are higher too.

I don’t have Vivica. I am not saying he would be better than her at all.

I am just saying he is awesome. Arguably one of the most useful 4* in the game.

Well, the last time I used the elemtary pulls, to get at least one 4* ice hero ( spent 6 pulls for it ), I picked up 3x Ulmer, 3x Gunnar. Therefore, I decided not to spend any more money and let the time work for me.
I have 265 Atlantis Coins, so I will give it a try when its up next time and see what to get.

Rigard is faster mana and all other things being equal much higher defence. Basically he is more likely to fire when you need him to and more likely to be alive to do so :slight_smile: If you aren’t able to do viv’s final assention, then personally I think Rigard is better (fully leveled) But it does depend what heroes are in the team. I have Magni, so my non arrowed viv isn’t used much.