- Xenda
- Ruby
- Roughian and Nurgib
0 voters
Green (I have enough for 2)
- Costume Hiemdall
- Costume Frigg
- Viselus (heard pairs good with Bera which I have)
0 voters
Blue (I have enough for 2)
- Costume Master Lepus
- Misandra
- Rian
- Milena
- Suzuna
- Milady De Winter
0 voters
Yellow (I have enough for 2)
- Jasper
- Joon
- Inari
- Gilligan
- Sir Roostley
- Guardian Owl
- Justice
0 voters
- Bera
- Seshat (can pair her with my Onatel for link bonus)
- Costume Killhare
- Turgruk
0 voters