Those are my best yellow héroes. Wu Kong for titans or Li Xiu for tournaments and challenges? Thanks
- Wu Kong
- Li Xiu 3c
Those are my best yellow héroes. Wu Kong for titans or Li Xiu for tournaments and challenges? Thanks
This is literally a no brainer. And if you have the other costumes maxed, LB those too, and Lb2 all of them too if you are able to
If you are Titan lover like me then level up Sergei and lb him… Wu kong is not as good as him.
Li Xiu can beat many 5* with his all 2lb costumes
Hope it will help you
If u ask me, Li Xiu, but with 2nd costume (silence), cuz it’s better even without the toon passive
I like wu’s second costume but he will cause you to miss applying the ailment. He does it too much. I went back to Bertulf for titans
Li Xiu’s second costume is a top 3 Epic hero IMO.
Li Xiu’s c2 for the win. Silence to 3 is amazing.