Which talent path should Director Zuri choose? +20 and LB

Hi I can’t decide what should be the priority in Director Zuri’s talents - defence or life? On the one hand I think I would prefer to increase her defence but on the other hand points spent on life would increase the life of her minions.

What do you think should be a priority with her? I want to do +20 talents + LB. Thanks in advance for your answers and help :wink:

  • Defense
  • Life

0 voters

Ok I see that the vast majority of the votes are in favour of defence, so I will probably just choose it :wink:

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Honestly, I think we are all just programmed to go def> health. I went health first with my Zuri and I don’t regret it. My ccKhagan is health first since I emblemed Khagan for attack and the superior talent Druid minions that will be coming will appreciate it. I usually put health over defense on minion summoners.


Depends on the talent for me. An example would be fighter who has full health/attack path, I would go that path even if the fighter is defensively oriented

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Defence used to be the clear winner in these - one defence point is worth just over two HP.

But the meta has changed away from straight % damage heroes. There are so many heroes now whose damage do straight HP damage that’s unmitigated by a better defence stat.

In addition to that, Zuri produces a decent sized minion, whose stats are driven by HP and attack. Cranking up your defence does absolutely nothing for them. As such, my vote is for HP over defence.


I see that over these few days the number of votes cast for life has increased considerably.

I, in the end, opted for defence. Here’s my reasoning - more life is useful for water/fire/poison damage etc. Zuri, however, can clear the team of these ailments + in my team she will work with Faline = even without the special skill Zuri, these two heroes will clear each other to some extent with the family bonus.

Thanks for all the votes on the topic - going life also has its arguments, it makes you have stronger minions. This is certainly an interesting discussion :wink: