Talent path for Costume Kashhrek

I want to use him as my tank, what path should I prioritize first, health or defense?
I was thinking health path first since he heals and buffs health, but I’m not sure though.

What do you guys think?

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I’d go defense. Since he heals 450, I’d rather him take less damage so when he does heal, the 450 is closer to his max health (so you can be over 100% health). I don’t have real math on the comparison.

I went on the defense path. That way, he can serve better tanking.

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Defence path it is then. Thanks, I appreciate your help.

Defence path makes way more sense as his heal is numerical, not percentage based. So giving him more HP won’t result in more healing done on himself, but giving him more defence makes that 450 hp worth more.

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The best option for this hero is the defense path

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