Cant decide who to max first. Please put in order u would max
This is tough, depends on your roster needs. But Miriam & Midnight would be least priority on that list. I don’t have much experience with Celimene or Azurite but I’m sure someone can help!
I’d put M&M higher up the list even with the nerf, if you got a Pengi to pair them with??? Not to keen on AZ myself, he’s way back on my blues to do, but he’s not garbage or anything and I’ll do him eventually, good stats, and 3 charge heroes are nice cause you can attack quickly or sit on them to fully charge and save it for when you need it but the random nature of the miss SS for extra damage isn’t something you can count on and the duration is kinda short
. Got celimene sitting at 3:70 but I think I want my Fortuna done before………… but both are behind my 2X magni who I just fully ascended all versions but still have to level………… almost got his reg finished, still both costumes to finish…… so much resources smh
. De winter is an ice cold
on defence, especially rush but my rush heroes are on the back burner……. Poor alfrike has been waiting at 3:70 for over 6 months lol
and to many amazing purple ones in front. Deciding what hero to do next is a
as soon as you make it close, something else shows up and takes precedent
I only have Azurite and Milady, so can only speak to those two. Of those, Milady is the better hero in my eyes. Yes, she’s slow, but paired with good troops or any mana boost hero like Ludwig, it helps. She hits pretty hard to all, plus the reflect for 6 turns can be really great. I will fully admit I’m biased though.
2x costume magni is awesome. Hes my go to for missions ull love him
But no pengi sadly. Cant say for lack of trying lol
Im leaning towards celimene for the no cleanse. Thinking with hurricane and serandite shell pair nicely
My vote goes to milady, she is one of the best hero in game. Celimene> azurite > M&M is the order I prefer. I have M&M and only use her for war. Not much useful now a days.
I don´t know what Celimene does (too any heroes to remember all the new ones) and M&M is not worth leveling anymore with the options you have.
Between Azurite and MDW I would use Azurite more often, but of course in Rush MDW is a killer. So depends if you want to push your every day use or your rush use.