Who to level Ice edition

Hello fellow E&P players. I’ve had a string of good luck with pulling ice heroes in my summons and would greatly appreciate some advice on who to ascend first as I only have 7 scopes.

I’m looking for war depth and a possible defensive standout and don’t have any glaring holes in my roster. The choices are

Milady de Winter

I was leaning toward Odette but had been hesitant going back and forth with Milady. Then I pulled Ceto this morning and she’s drawing comparisons to Anne and Jove but not quite as good. Realistically if you’re in the conversation with two of the best heroes in the game I think she must be amazing once fully ascended. As always I appreciate everyone’s thought process on what direction they would lean.

Great question. Let me help you out with a poll.

  • Odette
  • Milady de Winter
  • Ceto

0 voters

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Thank you for your assistance! @Kvothe

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one of my biggest concerns at all times is, the class of the hero. since 5* heroes requiere way too many emblems, i always take on account the other heroes i already have. It might not be the best strategy in the long run but i’m not planning on spending real money