Which heroes for my team...?

I would like to have your help with that. I prefer playing Titans, quests, raids in order, and the heroes I have are the following you see to the picture. However, ascending all these heroes is almost impossible, so i need your help with that. Is it better to have them on rainbow style or not? Who are the one I have to try to complete for my primary team? I earned Elkanen today from training camp 20, but if I use him too, I won’t have a healer… Let me know your thoughts!! :wink:

Is better to start with a rainbow team and then another rainbow team again to be able to bring many strong color heroes to battles. A good healer could be Sabina and/or Melendor as they have high attack.

Rainbow training is the best but to battle you should remove the weak color while stacking the strong one.

You should give your priority to attack empowering heres, defense debuffer and then element defense debuffer, you could even empower the holy trio (Jackal, Wu Kong, Joon) to do well with raids. Don’t bother with 5* heroes other than Joon and Isarnia (and do Grimm before her if you grt him) for now.

I also suggest you to keep many heroes for alliance wars and increase your hero capacity by buying slots.


I like Rigard for raids, and Tiburtus is good for raids and titans. Not a big fan of Elkanen and Little John, so I’d say those are the least important.

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