So, I have only 1 Tome of Tactics and only 1 Tabard.
But for now, I will just take a few heroes to 3/70 and not max more until I get more mats. I am hoping by keeping hold of 1 Tome of Tactics, it will drop more for me.
No one has a costume unless I have specifically said so next to it.
it said the poll Maximum is 20, so I had to split it into colours,. I I allowed 2 votes per colour in case you see none in the other colours, plus this way I hope it will create more diversity for me to pick from.
Thanks in advance.
- Dubhan
- Set
- Umbria
- Anubis
- G Panther
- Horus
- Ephyra
- Celidana
- Norns
- Sif
- Drake Fong (+Costume)
- Aviana (Dupe - other is 3/70)
- Athena (+Costume)
- Sin (I have Jott)
- Misty
- Thanatos
- Aino (+Costume)
- Suzuna
- Krampus (+Costume)
- Lord Loki (+Costume / Dupe - other is max +20)
- Fenrir
- Edwin
- Leadria
- Cinisia
- Viselus
- Eiora & Fluffy
- Zarga
- Flip (Dupe - other is max +20)
- Skargremar
- Gefjon
- Red Hood