Where is the game going?

My alliance usually ranks 150-200 and even here Telluria is pervasive. Last opponent had about 75% as tank. To be honest, even raids it’s an auto skip. When I have played, the battle lasts sooo much longer.

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Yea tell that to the blind that actually believe they have 0 chance of facing telluria tanks outside of top 100 alliances lol i never rolled my eyes as much as i did in that thread


wait till u see the season 3s on the way

I have. Still yet to see any comparable to telluria yet.

Found it funny the red counter is average mana lol well done SG…

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i have made a season 3 3* hit 1460 on a 14* off color titan

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i agree on telly its horrid

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Titans are titans though

Heroes can be as broken as they want for titans for all i care

Pvp is what makes or breaks the game though in my opinion

LOL I’m raiding in upper platinum (not even close to diamond) and I’m seeing Tellurias all over the damn place.

I was actually thinking “maybe I have a reason to level up my Grimble after all” until I double checked Tellie’s card:

The Hero has innate resistance against Minion Removal.



Hahahaha and he’s average mana so yea better hope for 9 tiles before she fires or you’re screwed…again good job SG lol

Insane how hard they worked on this fail

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6121 to 5864… That isn’t quite how the war chat went but I’m not going to argue about that here l.

Tel has definitely evened the playing field in wars some. Your alliance had more tel defenses than us. The all tels on war defense is no different than the top wars before except it was 27+ guins or 27+ kunchens… but instead of that just being the top 10 alliances or so it has filtered way down with tel.

The repetitiveness of maps, wars, titans is the same from my perspective as we faced the exact same defenses war after war even before tel.

Also, I am on the other side of the tel arguements. It has refreshed the game for me. I have spent more raid flags in the last 45 days or so than I probably had spent in the entire year before that… I have burned so many flasks trying to figure out the new challenge. Having to try new things and change my style has been so fun for me. I love the fact that on a bad board you lose a big majority of the time, on a good board you win the vast majority, and on an average board it’s truly a toss up now. To me that is how it should be. Before as long as the board was average or better you would win the vast majority and if the board was bad you still had a decent chance to work it out.


Should have build tc13 as #1 priority.

The amount of ham/iron you get from chests is depends on the ham/iron storage level except with raid chest where trophies comes into it, wish I had know this early on. On my alt I learned to raise my forge asap also because with it I could win event and quest stages that I wouldn’t be able to otherwise. Anyway, sounds like you’re doing ok overall. :wink:

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I wonder Hu is the senior? :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

Now translate that to the 99% of players in the game who don’t have max troops or a huge roster to choose from. The raid system is designed so that you can fill a chest at least once a day without too much trouble and gain a bit of ham/iron and hopefully something else worthwhile. Now you either reroll a lot cutting into the ham/iron, raid weaker teams loosing many more trophies in revenges or take your chances with it getting much harder to fill the chest.

It sucks the fun out of the game and will have and is already having very bad repercussions. Let’s not for forget Guinn was nerfed twice, did that take her out of the tank spot? It’s easy to generalize about the game experience, but it takes empathy to put yourself into the shoes of others and even then it isn’t easy to put yourself in other’s shoes in a society that only tells you: you’re worth it!

If there was one word I would use to describe people in general today it would be “selfish”.


Now why should they adjust the percentage of unused colors down??? :thinking:

To make mono even stronger ???
To make it easyer for you?

Defenitely a bad idea!!! :smile:


Those 99% don’t suppose to be at a level where Telluria shows up. If you are in Diamond raiding, you need a deep enough roster to face heroes like Guin, Kunchen, BK, Ursena in any combination. Telluria is among them. I’m not sure, though that 99% is true number. I assume it is less.

Grumble… I am raiding in diamond usually with 0-2 5* and the rest 4*. :slight_smile:

Luckyly not really!
There are still enough people in low diamond with a diversity of tanks or top tank teams with suboptimal hero placing and composition.

Of the named heros only Guin and Telly get regular rerolls if team composition is ok.

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That is exactly what i want to hear from people who say Telluria is not OP and also they like the challenge.

I’d like to see those “experts” doing wars and raids using F2P or even C2P rosters, facing same defenses (GM-Tell-Vella and add Clarissa next month) and max emblemed in 15/20 daily raids. I follow a few “top” players with 50-60 maxed best of heroes in the game with duplicates and i clearly see they also struggle. But yeah, they like challenges. Because this might be a challenge for those “top” players but for rest people is a nightmare.

How long before game loses most/all F2P and C2P players? How long before it loses all but big spenders and whales who will eventually quit as well (something we already see recently)? Will you be happy after this happens? Forget about gamers, will you (SG) be happy when you kill your own game?


All those posts are bull***p really, and those who know better know it and stopped arguing. If a guy says that Telly is their first strong hero and don’t want the nerf, with all respect to new players, what do they know? They beat Telly in suboptimal team, unemblemmed, unfinished or outside of tank position which is a Telly somewhere around a level of a player with 1-5 legendary heroes maxed, and they brag about it as if they knew better than people who played 20,000 raids and know all the heroes in game inside out.

And seeing these players legimately arguing and depreciating individuals such as @TheChef is heartbreaking and really showing the worst of what the internet discussions may become.

People are just stubborn to admit that they are afraid their new shiny toy that gave them ez wins even if undeserved will be taken away and try to cover that with theories and stories, and if that can’t be sold, depreciate the debater. It’s just human psychology, need to understand it. Some just lack modesty. Too bad all the building and progress in this game of many just came down to this.


True for Kunchen, Ursena, Guinn, BK, but not for Telluria. You can find Telluria in a huge number of defense teams from gold to diamond. What has me surprised is to see her in diamond at 3/70 and it’s happened more than once on my alt. You need to ask around in your alliance if you have mid to upper level players, remember no other hero has been pulled as much and Tellurias can be found stuck at 2/60 and 3/70 while players wait for ascension mats.


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