Where is the game going?

I ask because it keeps coming up in the alliance, members saying they are quiting with heartfelt pleas changing peoples mind, but I honestly wonder for how long is that going to work. I really enjoy the alliance I’m in because they are a funny bunch of people and make me laugh all the time, though as of late I notice more frustration.

As for myself, I’m about ready to leave and it isn’t just one single thing, but there are some things as of late that have made me question the time I spend on E&P. I feel like I’m punishing myself by playing more than having a good time and enjoying it.

What about you? Somehow I don’t think this is an isolated thing that my alliance alone is dealing with. If not you, are there alliance members that have said they are quitting? What do you think?


A lot of people are quitting, or reducing their participation (on the way to quitting probably). You can find some threads here, and I encourage anyone that’s quitting or reducing to post their own thread with thoughts. Once enough threads and thoughts hit the forums, Zynga will hopefully deign to comment.

There are people leaving and people coming all the time. It is just a cycle.


How do you decide “who knows better”? We have big spenders and whales who say Telluria is a good challenge. On the other hand we have huge amount of people saying Telluria is just too much OP to deal with. How do you decide whose opinion to stay beside? Whales, who have best heroes in the game in great numbers and duplicates or normal people (that are the sample in the game) who don’t have this and for them it’s not a challenge but a nightmare? You see there is an insanely big gap/difference in hero rosters BUT WE ALL fight the SAME max emblem defenses in diamond (or, as I already saw in other comments, in lower divisions as well). You can’t compare Telluria to any of Guin, Kunchen, Ursena or any other good tank. Just incomparable…

I am repeating myself but big spenders also fail a lot and complain as well in or out the game. Ask a few “top” players about their success at wars/raids now. Look at most of comments here, even see what big spenders are saying “It’s all about Telluria in chats now”. I try to stay away from main discussions about Telluria because I am pretty sure it’s a battlefield there and I don’t need this, already pissed off enough.

And Telluria is just the beginning (or probably continue story since Vela). Next month you will have Clarissa added to all defenses. In future more and more OP heroes that will be released. You have an insanely tough tank to deal with (Telluria) and even if you get a lucky board to pass through her, you will have 3 crazy DOT dealers (GM, Vela and Clarissa) in fast/very fast speed that will be already fully charged to fire by the time you kill the tank.

Instead of taking care of those recently released OP heroes and try to fix their mistakes, SG is releasing new OP heroes (saying it’s a counter to previous OP heroes), hoping that people will spend more and more. Instead frustration grows and we see more and more people leaving the game just a month after Telluiria release. Is that what we need? Is that what SG want?

And tha’s not “theories and stories”, it’s happening now…

For the record, i respect everyone’s point of view and statements. I am just expressing mine and it’s covered with most of people’s opinion. Have a good day :slight_smile:


Data. Statistics. Numbers. Really that only. If SG now publishes official data which says - look guys, we know it’s passionate debate but there’s really no difference in win rate between Telluria team and Guin or Kunchen team across few tiers of players, then I am fine admitting that sorry, I was wrong all this time.

But that’s not going to happen. Not after seeing the warscores against green tanks decreased by 20% as compared to other tanks.

Look at Titan Mafia data. There is a handful of heroes that are used in top defenses. In a game where there’s 105 legendary heroes, 2 of them are in nearly 90% of the best teams.

And I get the point the game is not only about the best and top spenders, really, but they are as best benchmark for the designers as they ever going to get. All the multiplayer games I used to play were balanced with a thought of the “pro meta” in mind, never because someone in lower bracket could abuse XYZ hero because they knew how to do it right while the enemies didn’t know how to counter.

It’s difficult to even expect something from a game where p2w matters as much as here, but I guess when we get to a point that 90% of legendary heroes are no match for the other 10%, the game has a serious problem. And if the answer to this problem is releasing more heroes that push the remaining 90% further out of picture, it can only grow frustration as you said.


TC 13 for what? Gamble for 3* or even 4*. I have enough Heroes to work on and i have Limited fodder heroes, so expand my Roster would get even worse with new Heroes i have to work on.

I am allowed to have my opinion. I play this game for my enjoyment not for others. If I find a change enjoyable and the majority of others don’t it does not mean either side is wrong. Just that we enjoy different things.

If they were to nerf tel so be it. I would just go back to using the exact same raid team for every raid I did like I was doing for over the last year and only really continue playing for the war matches.

Honestly, if I had my way I would want to see the Devs make the other tanks in the game stronger to be more inline with tel. Then we could have diversity of tanks and a challenge at the same time. Again, that is what would appeal to me and that is why I play the game… to get enjoyment out of it for me. I have a solid roster yes, but it is not over the top crazy. I have played this game very actively for just shy of 3years. My best troops are 29, 29, 27, 26, and 24 so yes strong but not maxed. I don’t have Finley, or Ursena, or Ariel, Jabberwock, white rabbit, killhare, or all kinds of other high end rare heroes. My vela is stuck at 370 and will be until I get 3more scopes and a tome.

I am more than willing to use a couple raid flasks fighting tels using more average heroes. Hit me up on line and we can even play around with different mixes and see how the work if you want.


I wonder how you assess the importance of speed in both raiding and war against Telluria. I’m in an alliance recently noted as rank 13xx with 29 members and last war foe had 9/27 Tellurias. For us, mana troops might not be so developed yet. I see actually my war defense troops are above average in the alliance. I’m at around (mana)
Purple 17, 6
Blue 17, 7
Green 7
Yellow 0
Red 0
Lucky to have those purple troops and a costume for Tiburtus, but not much depth.

The game has definitely gotten faster so mana troops have to be a priority in my opinion. Slow heroes are really hard to play in the current meta. I took my Rigard to T19… a lot of my alliance mates disagreed with going past 18, but I wanted the 2% mana node. That means that I can run a lvl 1 mana troop and still get him charged in 9 tiles cause of the 2% node and the 5% costume bonus. This allows me to use my better mana troop elsewhere. For me there is a heavy focus on making sure I can cleanse if and when needed and I also try to use mana control heroes to slow down the defense when possible. Proteus and hansel both work well… Costume Lianna is a nice option too but harder to come by. I have found myself counting tiles a lot more often than before. Before I would just load up and try to power through a defense. I find I have to try and use a lot more finesse now.

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I think that might actually be deliberate. I think the current set up favors offense a lot. I saw a thread recently that quantified the effect of Telluria on someone’s raiding. The result, as I understood it, is that, instead of winning 90% of raids, she only won 85% of raids. I think many of the raid tournament mechanics (especially fast attack and not using one color) are made to tilt the balance a bit toward the defense.

I honesty don’t remember calling anyone an idiot. That does not sound like me at all, if I did I would like to offer my sincerest apology to that person. I could offer no valid excuse or reason for doing such a thing.

I don’t believe I ever said we were the victims and yes my alliancemates tone was pretty harsh in response, but as you said s/he is a grown person and s/he can be responsible for their own actions.

I have no clue who’s profile pic you are referring to.


And the lesson here, war chats can be boon or bust.
Keep it civil and check the egos at the door.

More than ever, #playapartTOGETHER


I don’t know @Rigs
Yes, a bit of dirty laundry to be sure but certainly a by-product of some frustration with game as well I imagine. I wasn’t involved but could easily see this as a relevant snapshot of where the game could head.



Even it is, it should have had either it’s own thread or a line discussion

Not blow other topics off the rails just cause i got pissed off about somethin

This is supposed to be a discussion about the direction of the game

Not a thread for random rigs rants…

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You didnt use the fish?

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Hey Mr “Not Blow Topics Off the Rails”, the fish debate is another kettle of … erm…

Anyway, mistakes were made, identified and, hopefully, rectified.

And get a new avatar…so I can see you easier :sunglasses:


Are you able to remove the flagged posts?

And does this avatar work?


I approve. :blush:



Didn’t you know, necromancers can shapeshift!
