What portal transforms accounts?

When we think about all the different portals available, which one has the best % odds of transforming your roster?

My initial take is that it has to be the goblin portal. 1 5* pull and Goldie and you now have a powerful family bonus maxed out.

Are there any other portals with heroes powerful enough that 1 pull is more impactful?

For example I look at the current clash of nights heroes and all 3 of the featured transform an account…

What portal has the highest odds, and widest hero pool of available heroes in it that if a new account got heroes their account would be lost future proofed?

Lots of dupe threads out there for this.

Here are a few from the OP:

So much spam.
Take your pick


I really wish there was an ap that would read your roster in from the source and answer this question. But it really depends far too much on your roster for anyone to give you a concrete response. I’ll also point out the danger of relying on “can” instead of “might”.

If you have deep pockets, most weekly portals are worthwhile since new op heroes are released weekly. :grin: Money rules in this game :money_mouth_face: