Best portal to spend epic hero tokens

Now that we’re on the 2nd half of 2023 what is the best portal to spend epic hero tokens on?

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The one that is running now… Or you can wait for Xtmas! :slight_smile:

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Xmas, IMHO.

The “weakest” legendary is Peppermint, who isn’t that weak. There’s a very good Rare hero too. Buddy is barely any usable at this point, but Carol is lit for towers.

You’ll also have time to collect more tokens until there.


M North, Krampus and Santa are very dated, I hope there’s some good new ones coming.

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I already have Santa and Krampus.

In need of fresh ones

Pretty sure penguin will get a costume this time. Their costume bonus will also probably get a buff. Krampus and Mommy can still be useful to small decks.

Thing is, until there, there will be other 10 new portals and 953 new heroes. And 20 days after the xmas portal, other new 10 portals and 40 new heroes.

Doesn’t really matter. Follow your heart.


You can wait and collect, but that doesn’t really increase the chances of actually pulling good hero. You have couple of good featured now - Aino and Ukkonen… On my mind very decent legendaries. And then there is Kulervo and Louhi… And one of my favs in 3* format - Joukahainen. I would pull and see. I btw do bursts of 3 pulls :slight_smile: Whatever you decide - hope the goddess of luck will be with you and you get a good heroes!