Now that the SE 5th edition list has been provided by the kind @Zakuha (and final confirmation also provided* by big boss Oracle @Elioty33)
I would like to ask everyone what their general strategy is for Soul Exchange, in terms of managing the number of souls, picking premium or discounted heroes and choosing to skip.
Is the aim:
1/ to get as many decent heroes as possible that fill the holes in your roster at bargain prices eg. Alby, Ludwig; or
2/ is the quantity of heroes irrelevant - so the aim is to get any premium hero on offer and if you risk missing out on a premium one next time around that is OK? eg. Milena, Arco
For instance, I really want Esme to pair her up with Ludwig, so would consider doing an Alby (always wanted him, even if he is squishy) to save up for next time (if it ever happens) - this would fall under strategy 1/ above.
That said, Arco looks too good to pass up. The dilemma is I have 26 souls to spare and would hate to miss out on Esme if she was 15 on the next SE… lol…
Therefore, I have half a mind to just skip this one…but something tells me I won’t LOL
What other considerations do you think about when strategising for Soul Exchange? Would love to hear it. Thank you.
The first SE I either had already or did not desire any particular hero, so I took Guardian Chameleon for 10 souls because it was the first edition and I was not sure how the next would be and Chameleon seemed an interesting choice for Mythic.
The next two SE I took Mother North and Director Zuri whom I really wanted (I am a sucker for healers).
Last SE, I had to choose between Cristobal and Costume Finley. I decided to pass because I did not have emblems for Cristobal and I had several Sorcerers already waiting in queue for them, while C Finley would have had to wait for at least 2 other Ice heroes to max first. So in the end I did not take anyone.
Right now I am a bit torn between Milena and Arco. I really need an Ice 5* healer, Milena is so versatile and I also wanted her from the very beginning. She was the only reason I pulled in the Magic portal. Then again Arco is such a stud, one of the best overhealers and fiend protectors.
In the end I will probably go for Milena since I also have Motega and I am quite sure I will not pull in the Magic portal soon (though they might introduce new heroes, so who knows…), while the chances are higher for pulling again from the Gargoyle portal.
I also have heroes for the next couple of SE, as I was quite lucky in getting S1 5* and dupes in the recent months.
Ideally i was hoping for a decent hit all holy was hoping eloise would turn up.
Either way i have not got enough emblems for either at this stage. But that isn’t relevant as they wont be maxed for a while, i literally just finished leveling my last 2 SE picks a week or so ago.
Sadly I don’t have any strategy because I don’t have enough 5*. On the last SE I traded 10 souls for Vela, because Blue is my weakest color. So far all of my Blue (other than s1 vanilla) came from SE or FS : Ariel, Vela, and Skadi.
Not really because most likely I can only do 2 FS from this set. The 1st one is Skadi, and the 2nd one If i can do another 60 pulls before the new set coming, its gonna be Freya
Thank you. After 4 years, I don’t really mind with my lack of blue heroes. Vela and Skadi is a huge upgrade from c.Sonya LB +20, which was the main part of my blue team on my first 2.5 years into this game
Skadi has been extremely useful to me for fun stacking frost damage and watching them die. Ro deal with stronger minons pairing her with vela would work quite well, fire vela then when in skadi range stack up.
My strategy is now option 3 (choose the best hero that will clear the most roster space = a tier 20, or at minimum a tier 15). I’ve only been able to level up using token summons because I’ve been over the hero cap for months. My mindset going into this SE was to take the most expensive hero so I can pull feeders from my TC; luckily there are actually some good heroes on offer in the 20 tier, but I would have taken utter dross just to clear the space.
So far my strategy has been pick a hero I want to play with regardless of whether I really need it. I’m a bit stuck here as I have 17 and nothing in the 15 tier is very exciting…but neither is the 10 tier.
I do also take into consideration emblems. There is no way I can take another Druid right now, sorry Alby.
My strategy is to get heroes wich can fill roles wich the ones I already have can’t do.
1st exchanged: Mother North
2nd exchanged: Ludwig
If I would get enough worthless souls to trade then I’ll get Arco. As minion maker/Overhealer he would be a improvement over the ones I currently have (Gullinbursti and Xmas heroes).
If wouldn’t get enough heroes I’ll pass and pray for better heroes next time, I already heve The Hater and Akkorog and this round I don’t need the other ones.