EDIT: I have a guild member telling me that you can do more than one Soul Exchange per event? That you can do it for as many times as you have sufficient heores? Is this correct?
So I am a returning player. I have a number of heroes, but they are all pretty rubbish. (Like, my best guys are Telluria, Kunchen, and Ranvir.)
So with that in mind, I am looking at my options for the Soul Exchange, and I’m pretty disappointed. I was hoping for Black Knight or Krampus or Costumed Ariel or…well, anyone who I see and think “Uh oh.”
But I understand that my reaction may be based on ignorance. So I ask for some clarity, and then some advice.
Questions about Milena:
- Does Milena cleanse before she hits with the direct damage? If she doesn’t, it’s like…“Hey I hope you survive this counterattack.”
- How fast is “Magic” speed? It’s not slow or fast, and the wiki didn’t really help. Does it take more tiles to go from 100%-200% charge, than it does from going 0%-100%? Or is it the same?
Questions about Kara:
- Are Defense-down and Elemental-defense-down the only defense-reducing things in the game? For all I know they added “TURBO defense down” while I was gone to overwrite / counter Kara’s passives.
- When it says she gets mana from dispelled buffs, does this include crazy crap that “rearranges” (without dispelling) the buffs? Like when Hatter takes the buffs, or when Snow White “removes” them.
- The “2022 Family” passive…does this mean she buffs herself by 10% attack automatically, if she is the only 2022 hero I have on the field?
So who should I get??
Right now if I had to pick in the next 30 seconds, I would just pick Lewena, since it’s very clear what she does and feels somewhat like Proteus.
Kara is my #2 pick because attack up is nice.
Help a returning player?