Soul Exchange #5 -- Hero Clarity and Advice

EDIT: I have a guild member telling me that you can do more than one Soul Exchange per event? That you can do it for as many times as you have sufficient heores? Is this correct?

So I am a returning player. I have a number of heroes, but they are all pretty rubbish. (Like, my best guys are Telluria, Kunchen, and Ranvir.)

So with that in mind, I am looking at my options for the Soul Exchange, and I’m pretty disappointed. I was hoping for Black Knight or Krampus or Costumed Ariel or…well, anyone who I see and think “Uh oh.”

But I understand that my reaction may be based on ignorance. So I ask for some clarity, and then some advice.

Questions about Milena:

  1. Does Milena cleanse before she hits with the direct damage? If she doesn’t, it’s like…“Hey I hope you survive this counterattack.”
  2. How fast is “Magic” speed? It’s not slow or fast, and the wiki didn’t really help. Does it take more tiles to go from 100%-200% charge, than it does from going 0%-100%? Or is it the same?

Questions about Kara:

  1. Are Defense-down and Elemental-defense-down the only defense-reducing things in the game? For all I know they added “TURBO defense down” while I was gone to overwrite / counter Kara’s passives.
  2. When it says she gets mana from dispelled buffs, does this include crazy crap that “rearranges” (without dispelling) the buffs? Like when Hatter takes the buffs, or when Snow White “removes” them.
  3. The “2022 Family” passive…does this mean she buffs herself by 10% attack automatically, if she is the only 2022 hero I have on the field?


So who should I get??
Right now if I had to pick in the next 30 seconds, I would just pick Lewena, since it’s very clear what she does and feels somewhat like Proteus.
Kara is my #2 pick because attack up is nice.

Help a returning player?

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Specials work in the order of the text, if says damage 1st, damage happens 1st. Lewana doesn’t block specials, only skills like rogue evade and barbarian bleed and it is a debuff like a thing, so monks can still withstand it and keep withstanding after. Kara doesn’t care about any ailments that mention defence, if the ailment doesn’t mention defence Kara will happily take it… As a Kara owner, i can say her passive is a life saver nevertheless and i cannot remember about that increased damage ailment if that’s what you mean. 2022 family bonus, yes, she has.

Also for absolute clarity, take Milena and you won’t never regret.


Isn’t this the 4th Soul Exchange? In fact, I know it is.

Thank you for the advice—although you sold me on Kara! :smiley: Right now my best tank is Kunchen. Who I haven’t even accumulated enough doodads to limit break yet.

Can you please convince me to choose Milena?

Thanks. I edited the title of the post accordingly.

This is the 5th exchange :see_no_evil: :joy: :joy: :joy:


You are right, I forgot about Lord Loki. I got him, GM, Zeline, Emilio and now the Hatter.

I have edited the post (again) accordingly. :slight_smile:


Gladly, but hey, if only thing you need is a Tank, then go Arco! Kara is not a tank, she has nothing against tile damage, Kara is 100% attack taunt and her job is pretty much to die for the team.

But if you want to win raids, wars and tournaments, go Milena, she is an absolute superstar.

  1. She heals and clenses extremely fast, so you can consentrate getting your other colours ready and if enemy fires before your main attack is ready, she makes sure they get ready.

  2. She gives options and flexibility, she allows you to change strategy mid game. She can be your only blue in an attack team and if there happens to be lot of blue, she can win it for you almost on her own and can be helpfull even if there is minimum amount of blue.

  3. Mana is king, she gives it and can deal with it. There is few really annoying mana reducers in the game now… Since she can charge mana, she can still fire 1st charge special after getting hit by mana reducer if she had enough to start with and potentially give back mana to teammates so they can also fire.

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Re: the edit note - no, you can only do one trade per soul exchange. Your guild mate was probably confused with fated summon, where you can (potentially) pick all 20 heroes.

To answer your other questions:

Milena either heals and cleanses YOUR debuffs, OR you save her charge to do damage to the enemy WITHOUT dispelling them. She can’t cleanse AND do damage in one special. For that, you need Kageburado from the fated summon, or (if you have her costume) Seshat from fated summon. (If you choose regular Seshat she will only dispel after doing damage.)

Not an expert on Milena’s breakpoints, but I think her first charge is available in 7 tiles, and her second in 13 tiles, but if you acquire 4% mana from somewhere (her talent grid, or a mana giving troop) she charges in 6 / 12 tiles respectively.

There are a few heroes who introduce a third type of defence down - Grace in the soul exchange / Magni’s second costume (iirc) gives the target x% more damage taken from special skills. (It might be Grimm’s second costume…) And, uniquely, Asterius can do an extra damage type move that stacks with defence down / elemental dd / ss defence down.

Yes, Kara gets 10% attack just by entering the field, as per her family bonus. No idea if her passive activates if Hatter / Snow White strike, or when equalizer cleanses in war.

As for advice, the strongest two options are Arco or Milena. The meta tactic in the game right now is overhealing so, personally, I’d go Arco, but if you have an overhealer, Milena is very versatile in that she can heal or do damage, with a chance of giving instant mana to your other heroes. Lewena doesn’t freeze mana gain as Proteus does, she stops emblemed heroes talents from activating - barbarians won’t do extra bleed damage, clerics and monks might not resist certain status effects, druids won’t make minions when they’re hit, fighters won’t revive, paladins won’t resist damage, rangers won’t bypass defensive buffs, rogues won’t dodge, sorcerers wo’t drop your mana generation, wizards won’t do extra damage if you have buffs. Kara has got a lot of flak on the forum in this soul exchange, but that’s mainly due to how recent and expensive she is. She does a LOT for your team, and there are some murderous hit-all heroes out there that Kara could save you from. Ex-whale JekylandHyde, who had nearly every hero in the game when he quit, thought Kara was the best taunt hero in the game (at that time. ie before Queen Ann and that 5* ninja came). Which Taunt hero is "Best"??? —Empires and Puzzles Books - YouTube