What charge hero gets the tabards?

  • Becky
  • Charon

0 voters

I am not sure who would be the overall better option and better hero to build teams around.

Current maxed purples I have: Aramis, Ludwig, Amethyst, Diaochan, Xman, C G Panther, Hannah, C Hel, Phorcys, Rayne.

Surprised to see Becky being that ahead. Thanks to everyone that has voted.

I think the fantasy of Becky is about her 2nd charge. I personally like Charon as he is a great support hero. I have been overwhelmed by his 2nd charge pretty fast when he was on defense. His revive and boosted heal is amazing to be overlooked.
I like what Becky has to offer, but Charon is an amazing support card.


I wanna try both together als support in a 3-2 with 3 hitters. I think Becky will shine in teams that prolong the inevitable

True, I love the longer play at times. But once she fires the 2nd charge things go down pretty fast. For me she is a very good support card on offense. Not a defender. But Charon has potential in both play.

They are pretty testable at least in offense at 3/70.

These are heroes designed for best use in offense, where you can make decisions on which charge to use and when to use them.

In practice, you always want to hold Charon back, not be in a position to ever need to use him, and mostly end up not ever using or not being able to use him :sweat_smile:

Becky is one that you want to be able to use her -but 2nd charge- asap.

Becky also has potential to stall enemy with -mana regen stacks and mess with breakpoints.

Tough call. Will monitor the situation. Bring both to 3/70 and then try how they will perform. Could pair Becky with hippo though :thinking: