'We are Relentless' Alliance -- Looking for new members to grow

So we are 17, but we want to be 30 …
We are Mid Size Alliance hitting 7/8/9 * Titans, but we want to hit big :sunglasses: (well, at least the most we can :upside_down_face:)


Some Info you may want to know … :thinking:

People: We are friendly and support each other to grow together. Please, be active; that’s the only rule. So, hitting the Titan for 1 point is better than 0. Doesn’t it?

Trophy requirements: 2000 – That may look big, but if you are active, we don’t care how many trophies you have.

Titan policy: Kill the Titan! – Daily hits are appreciated. We want the loot, but we are not picky if you lose some hits.

War policy: Optional participation – But if you opt-in, you must use all the flags. Coordinated tanks, sometimes strategy, you are welcome to propose some too, but not too strict if you skip the strategy sometimes.

We are waiting for you; come and have fun with us now – let’s kill some titans and win wars together :partying_face:

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