2020-11-23T09:18:00Z: We have now rolled out the update for both iOS and Android. Pleaes update your game!
Release Notes
- Santa’s Challenge Event updated:
- New Easy difficulty added
- Balance changes to Normal and Advanced difficulties
- New Rewards
- New Enemies
- New Heroes
- New Costumes added
- Legendary Costumes for:
- Thorne
- Khagan
- Obakan
- Marjana
- Justice
- Leonidas
- Epic Costumes for:
- Gormek
- Cyprian
- Wu Kong
- Grimm
- Colen
- Kelile
- Chao
- Scarlett
- Sabina
- Hu Tao
- Rare Costumes for:
- Oberon
- Gan Ju
- Ulmer
- Kailani
- Jahangir
- Nashgar
- Graymane
- Valen
- Dawa
- Legendary Costumes for:
- Smaller fixes and changes:
- Rainbow Pin and Alliance Banner added
- New Progression reward Chests added to Ninja Tower
- Removed the ‘Close’ button from Raid Opponent Online pop-up
- Fixed challenge event showing the score and rank of another difficulty before you played a stage in the selected difficulty
- Fixed a bug where nearby enemies got double damage if Jack’s Pumpkin Bomb destroyed the target when it exploded
- Elemental link Special Defense buff can now be bypassed
- Fixed an issue where Ninja Tower boss Micas first charge gave -1% mana generation to its allies
- Fixed an issue where Elemental reflect was non-bypassable by rangers and Cobalt. Titanium shield can also be bypassed now
- Fixed a bug where Ninja Tower blessing counter icon and pop up would have different values
- Fixed a bug where Hunter’s Lodge did not show what materials you were missing when you tried to add to the queue
- If a player is defeated while an Oni Stone still has turns left, heroes will not get a permanent Oni Curse
- Ninja Tower reward tiers show which tier you are currently on
- Fixed the issue where the game crashed if you were still in a Tower battle when Ninja Tower event ended
- Fixed Ninja Tower Event leaderboard not showing after Tower Event ended
- Fixed a rare bug where if too many animations where running at the same time, some heroes froze and didn’t gain mana
- Fixed a visual glitch where war enemy HP bar would change when tapping on it when inspecting the enemy
- Friend invite reminder popup no longer forces you to go to the invite view
- Fixed a visual bug where the Valhalla offer disappeared from view if you had bought all offers for that day
- Fixed a bug where Mystic Vision would give rewards without watching the vision