[UPGRADED - V35] Path Of Valor Harvesters Useless / Extend the duration or impact of Harvesters MASTER

I think there’s something there worth fixing though, doesn’t have to be scrapped altogether.

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500% for 4hrs. Or may be 6hrs.
Coz we plan them when to use??!!

all of us sleep for part of the time the harvester are active… More time and slight hight% would make the more useful

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I’ve used a few of the harvesters and I agree with everyone else:

  1. They need to be improved in order to be useful
  2. As they are now, they are much less helpful/useful than a bundle of ham or iron

I like the idea of extending the time, applying it to all provinces, and increasing the percentage as well.

I like the harvester concept and I so want to use them again, but I’ll wait until there is a real benefit to using them!


I don’t find the harvesters very helpful either, but I pretty much farm for recruiters and backpacks so I farm levels on S2. I’m only going to use them when I’m farming elemental chests since S1 is still the best place to fill it up.


Perhaps a good time to revisit the relics concept? Does anyone find them helpful? I mean, does anyone hardcore farm S1 anymore when we have Atlantis rises?

Why don’t make relics work in all Seasons? What’s there to lose?


All seasons AND give a larger boost. 200% minimum. Should feel like a mini-AR IMO.

change the condition : to use the harvesters only on S1 maps, to can use them in all Seasons maps.
thank you for your attention :grin:

You’ve got my vote, although I wonder if there’s not a similar thread already :thinking: @moderators will know :heavy_heart_exclamation:

I’ve posted this elsewhere, but make a harvester for WE/Titan energy/raid energy. Let’s say a 10% reduction in time to regenerate.

They should least increase other loot in the harvest. Dunno what percentage would be fair, but it would have to be lower than atlantis.

I did some math for the iron harvester. If you farm the most profitable iron-wise stage of season 1 for 7 energy (it’s 22-4, 10245 if you don’t have a harvester on) you get 107572 iron for all energy that is available on my level (it’s 52, I am on 70th lvl), and it is only 35857 iron more than what I could get from the same location for same WE without the harvester.

Let’s boldly assume a player doesn’t miss any energy during the whole day, so he has 144 WE a day (24*60/10), it’s only 20 runs of that level. So he could harvest 204900 iron without a harvester on or 307350 with it, the difference is only 102450 in iron!

It’s a lot less than 250k and 500k iron lumbers. It is less (or on pair with) iron from chests and titan, and the player has to put a lot of effort in gaining that iron (I assumed he doesn’t miss any flag during the whole day).

It is way too low considering:

  1. Food or Iron harvester are super rare items that are only can be received as an reward in PoV
  2. It’s a 5* item, but 5 times less profitable than a 3* item (food and iron bundles)
  3. A player needs to put (either time or loot tickets) to get something from it.

I advise to make iron and food boost x6! I am not crazy. That would make the profit of farming all day without flasks 1m and that is double better than giant bundles, but also requires effort so the difference would be well-deserved.

P.S. if not x6, at least better than 50% more - that is too low.


Similar existing thread :

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Make them useable for quests. I would like Act 2 as well, though I would understand if you want to deactivate them during Atlantis rises. As it is, they just occupy space unless you want to spend a day burning 8-7 to the ground.


These have been “improved” to apply to all maps of the game.

Per the V35 release notes:

With that I’ll close this thread as “implemented”.