It’s been a bit since I last asked about who I should put on my defense team… figured I’d had enough changes that another ask request wouldn’t be a terrible idea.
Here are screen shots of all the heroes I have:
I currently use Evelyn-Elena-Richard-Drake Fong-Sartana-C for my “regular” defense. I think my strategy here was mostly just picking the strongest heroes I had for each color for the wing/flank/tank positions.
I currently use Grazul-Evelyn-Richard-Drake-Seshat-C for my war defense. This one was more about getting the HOTM bonuses with Grazul/Seshat and Evelyn/Drake.
Not sure if either is bettert or just different. And I’ve gotten new heroes since that I could swap out anyone for…
I haven’t been super lucky with the season pulls, so nothing overly powerful in my lineup.
A couple of other notes:
- More than happy to strip the emblems off of any hero and move them to another.
- I’ll be limit breaking Drake Fong but haven’t decided who to do in the Dark category. I have the Aethers for Ice and Fire as well, but figure I’d hold back on those as no one really feels worthy.
All thoughts appreciated!