Update for my Defense Team

It’s been a bit since I last asked about who I should put on my defense team… figured I’d had enough changes that another ask request wouldn’t be a terrible idea.

Here are screen shots of all the heroes I have:


I currently use Evelyn-Elena-Richard-Drake Fong-Sartana-C for my “regular” defense. I think my strategy here was mostly just picking the strongest heroes I had for each color for the wing/flank/tank positions.
I currently use Grazul-Evelyn-Richard-Drake-Seshat-C for my war defense. This one was more about getting the HOTM bonuses with Grazul/Seshat and Evelyn/Drake.

Not sure if either is bettert or just different. And I’ve gotten new heroes since that I could swap out anyone for…

I haven’t been super lucky with the season pulls, so nothing overly powerful in my lineup.

A couple of other notes:

  1. More than happy to strip the emblems off of any hero and move them to another.
  2. I’ll be limit breaking Drake Fong but haven’t decided who to do in the Dark category. I have the Aethers for Ice and Fire as well, but figure I’d hold back on those as no one really feels worthy.

All thoughts appreciated!