Two experienced players looking for a new Alliance

IT chick! Cmon man

20 characters of I’m not a dude


I know I know. But here in Socal, everyone’s dude. LOL!

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How’s your new alliance working out? Has it been a good fit? What was the main factor in your decision?

I’ve started a new alliance

Quantum Gamers Bond

Players of your experience are surely in great demand and short supply. But are they valued once added? Maybe you and your mate will find satisfaction in building a formidable alliance, where you’re input and Insight would be valued by new prodigies and disgruntled free agents!

Seeking a solid core to attract talent that plays daily, invests in their entertainment, to guide hero development and team construction, to accelerate learning curves and cultivate a positive chat with enlightening Q&A, casual pop cult chatter, and supportive encouragement

I’ve got exciting and innovative ideas for the alliance arena, ideas that will surely not just continually attract talent but will keep turnover low and have players pouncing on any opening to join a truly innovative and rewarding alliance experience.

I was a high level P2P EAP gamer with leadership responsibilities in a strong alliance. Im working with support to resurrect my original account. It’s an open offer to be part of a revolutionary alliance. Let’s co-create, dominate, and duplicate!

Hey Christian77, If you and your friend are looking to jump around and check out pretty chill Alliances - come check out: Anti Social Alliance. We have paying and non-paying players. We are looking for strong 4300-4700 players to join us for War and Titans.

Have you found a location?

Yes, we did. Thank you for checking up, though!


@Dudeious.Maximus I think we can shut the door on this thread. Congrats on finding your new home