Trainer Hero's and Troops

Welcome to the game (and the forum), and glad you’re enjoying it!

And yes, this game is far more intricate than it seems at first glance. When I first started playing I thought it would be a simple game, but as you get deeper into it there’s a fair bit of strategy, particularly since you need to manage resources over many months or years to accomplish your long-term goals.

Yes! Trainer Heroes give bonus XP when fed to other heroes. Early in the game, that’s just a nice perk. Later in the game when you’re leveling 4 and 5* heroes, it can be productive to save Trainer Heroes towards late in their leveling to save on food usage.

Here’s a guide on XP for Trainer Heroes and other feeders:

Eventually when your Stronghold is at least Level 10, you can convert an “Advanced” building (Level 5 or higher) to a Barracks, where you can feed troops to each other and level them up like heroes. This is an incredibly slow and food-intensive process, particularly for 4* troops, so it’s more of a mid-to-end game priority than an early-game priority when you are usually best focusing on hero leveling.

Here’s some detail on that process:

And here are some guides on troops: