The TANK Report

Made another personal best in cups!
This team seems to hold it’s own pretty well currently.
I would have pushed further, but I’m at work and i went up against an Onatel tank who was flanked by a Gravemaker. Got a bit of a bad start, so she fired. Started to get a good board and she punished me further!
So, I have been also raiding with this team for lack of better options at the moment.

Just finished Panther and moved my guys around.

Glimpse of my attack board waking up!
After i made it to 125, i got attacked 12 times in 20 minutes and was only down 12 cups!

Give me 2 weeks and I’ll have Magni maxed.


Zeline is a beast of hero. Definitely one of the top 10 hotms in the game in my opinion. And she’s very versatile. Good for titans, offense, defense, and in defense can play any role. She also works as a solo green or in a color stack. If she comes back to atlantis, SG and my credit card company will love her lol


Amazing results @Starryeyedgryph. You are putting hope in her usage near the top rankings. Support is definitely a must for her and your surrounding heroes provide quite a bit of it for sure. I’m a little slammed with grad school stuff this weekend but I will try to make a push myself into a higher ranking to see how she fares with what I have currently. Zeline, I feel, is a very strong pairing with her.


My trolling time… Kashrek… the one single appearance in the top 100…:stuck_out_tongue:

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I failed to get Zeline after 90x pulls the last time she was around. Let’s try again. :rofl:

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@Starryeyedgryph I honestly do see her much more at TANK than anything else… every-time up the ladder. I went 2-3 with her tonight. I’m learning “DON’T F’N HIT ONA!” until I can hurt her bad… is the key for me lol. Now that’s what I originally thought, then she seemed to slip for a bit, then is back (maybe she had a cold)… Lol. Note the Class leveling - that pretty much says, I’m choosing you…

This one I pulled up when I was seeing who was coming for me after just taking @JimMe out of #1 he had it so damn long…


@Rigs I’m gonna 1 up ya and say Zeline is Top 5 HOTM if not period (granted a lot of heroes have come out since her - however she is solid with a good group - very dependable to hold out, on and as well punish)

@AirHawk of course you would notice that!!! It is because of you and one other person I leveled Kash LOL.


I’m 2 emblems away from having enough wizard emblems to give some to either Onatel or Zeline first. (They’ll both get at least the first node). Since I’m tanking Onatel, I’m thinking she’ll get the first set!

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Onatel for sure.

Zeline doesn’t need the emblems to run far.

I gave all of my wizard emblems to Kashrek and none to Sartana. I wonder why I did that? :thinking:


I gave Kiril 2 nodes because i was excited to try what they were about. He can keep them. It’s not like i don’t use him.

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@AirHawk Lol, You’re the Kashnick! @Starryeyedgryph - yeah best advice I could give regarding emblems is anyone you use Regularly - give them 1 - just that extra chance can make a huge difference to the whole team where as a 2nd/3rd node (does nothing for the team - over time definitely those do something for the hero then the team). :wink:


Ok so update: I went 4 for 6 against Onatel in the past IDK what 4 hours lol… I updated the original posts with who I actually faced.

Can anyone tell me which team above had the best synergy with Onatel as TANK?

I honestly avoid her in the TANK position, simply being who I use as my primary attack team doesn’t do the best against her while they do really well against others (and I prefer QUICK kills and I don’t get that with her and average boards)… It could be you face her and feel she isn’t much, ok so are you taking in 2/3, 3/2 or 4/1 Dark? Then yeah much easier… that’s across the board - same way (or let me rephrase the ‘easy’ way) you take out Guin or Gravy… etc.

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@Razor, ill be putting Magni on flank soon. I’ll let you know once i raid my way into top 100. I think my defense team got me there at one point while i was away, as my little personal top scores says my highest cup count is now 2770. But i didn’t last long and i woke up to 100 fewer cups.
People get mad and will try and go against me the max of 3 times and I sign on to things like this.



This has been my defense for a while now in my alt account. i usually get raided once or twice a day and I have been keeping cups in the 2500-2600 range. I only raid when there´s a chest and because this my alt count sometimes it takes 2 day to fill a chest :grimacing:
As you can see it has no sinergy just raw power. Currently leveling Kunchen…
My main account is Zeline, QoH, Drake, Magni and Panther and is raided way more frequently


Sorry guys having to drop the TANK REPORT (see above)…

@Starryeyedgryph and @CrossXcalibur this one hung in the Top-100 for some time on its own…

@AirHawk @Rigs @FraVit93 @General_Confusion @Garanwyn @Kor1sco @Kerridoc @MrsBCW


3 very tough ones in the middle with very annoying effects. This works. :wink:


Are you doing the HPET still, and if so, is it in Sheets or Excel?

If yes, I’m happy to produce a page that automates the Tank report from the HPET, if that would be helpful. It looks eminently doable.

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Oh yes everyone, Being that HPET is a summation of the collected data sorted by TANK, it basically contains the TANK REPORT within it just read down the middle! Thanks @Garanwyn I meant to say that! @AirHawk @General_Confusion @FraVit93 @Kor1sco


@Garanwyn - sorry - yes if your willing to do that maybe you could take over this thread :smile:

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if you ever need any help you just let me know :wink:

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I’d be happy to. If you can shoot me an invite to the HPET spreadsheet, I’ll gin something up once I’m done with entering war data (war day makes my fingers sore, even though the spreadsheet is super automated at this point).

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