Thank a lot for this. Sorry for replying a week after you posted; I’ve been slammed with my graduate internship here lately. I look forward to digging into it.
Version 2 Release Date : March 07, 2019
This is a re-arrangement version. A suggested by a couple friends, and I agree. It’s easier to read and with a quick glance you can get an answer instead of having to follow rows across columns.
@Sorsha (you ended up getting in to the members area with @Garanwyn help. @Ray008, @General_Confusion, @FraVit93, @Rigs.
It’s interesting to see Onatel get a slight uptick in usage. I’m still trying to figure out how she is useful as tank on defense. Her stats are nice but I don’t see her skill impacting much in the tank position.
I know at least 3 players who use her as their tank. Obviously not a 1st choice, if they had a bench of Tanks. Onatel is turning out to be more of a floater I see her Tank #1 and not far behind Flank. See is in the Wing position too. When I’m running boards, that is. I’ve seen 6 of her in TANK position on the LEADERBOARDs in one ‘just looking’ from 1 to 100 ( granted 3 of those players fell from it by the time I got there or while I was looking). I actually took all the screenshots and being my monitors are so large I guess 6 of those in a word document up close and personal at 7,680 x 2,662 in original size the 300% magnification couldn’t be handled! Disturbing… with QofH and Kunchen introduced right after Ona-Yunan, I knew that potential she had took a dive… well for larger #'s.
She can be VERY DAMAGING depending on how you approach her as well boards (which is with everyone)…
Yeah, those two offer more immediate benefit with their special compared to Onatel. Of course, if the board doesn’t place well for the attacker, she’s definitely got a better chance at doing what she is meant to; but I’m not sure if that warrants her being considered strong enough to hold the tank position on a regular basis. Flank, and maybe wing, fit better for her. I would say flank because she has a higher chance of using her special and benefiting from tank coverage to do so. I’ll still keep using her; she really is the only viable tank I have at the moment until we see what is done with Aegir. Maybe she would pair well with him when he is revamped as a flank for him? If she could have her defense increased and get some kind of every turn healing, she might do better imo.
Onatel Killed IT - People ask if she is any good at TANK - she’s not bad…
Granted boards weren’t great! This just shows she has a little something going on and thus given the right support she can do well otherwise my friends wouldn’t be using her at TANK (I wouldn’t think lol).
So I’ve followed her from the start, got to face her early on 50+ times and felt she would steal some market share from Gravemaker being he stepped into the #2 spot @ Tank, geez back in Aug/Sept 2018 that’s when Delilah was HOT and by October it was Gravemakers spot along with his ruling the Flank by a 30% margin and he was 20% higher than any other in terms of use on the Leaderboard. This is about Onatel… lol. I made my first ‘forecast’ that within a month she would take 1/2 of his TANK positions from him… Well then came Kunchen then next the Queen of Hearts from the WOnderLand Event… As a result I retracted. I have several friends that play that use her as their Tank (not because they chose her over anyone else - it’s their best option I suspect). She plays well in Flank and I’ve faced in the Wing as well. If she is given the opportunity to fire a couple times she is very damaging like Owl… CHECK OUT THE CARDS ON KUNCHEN, ONATEL and YUNAN (They are Identical across the board - every stat… obviously not the specials nor the Mana activation time). Yunan is the man in this lineup and the Queen is the QUEEN. Richard, he just looks good… RaZoR
That was pretty cool. She did very well in punishing a not so great board while holding off two Hel’s at the same time. I like the concept of pairing her with Khiona to increase her damage output. I actually have every unit that was in that defense; except my Khiona is at 3-70 and I need to finish maxing my Drake. I’ll have to give it a try when they are better leveled. Thanks for sharing @Razor
Yes, right now i suppose she is the best I have. But, I’ve got her MAXED. I spent a pretty penny chasing heroes this challenge event portal summons, so still have some leveling to do. Just waiting on the hams so i can do it!
I suspect that many are set up to take out Guin, so she is pretty easy to get around unless you get a bad board.
My defense team is now over 4000.
I have a Magni I just pulled last week not built yet due to not having the mats. I would eventually like to use him as a flank with her to increase her defense. Was not fortunate enough to pull Zeline. That combo has to do quite well I imagine.
Once Magni is maxed he will be flanking her. I’m not quite sure what exact order I’m going to put them in yet.
Magni is amazing, initially the defense is a downer however FAST and that HUGE boost - well that’s huge lol… So you are both using her @ Tank currently or at times…?
@CrossXcalibur @Starryeyedgryph
Obviously you are in the snapshot Starry I thought you were running her Flank or even Wing (just prior or still mix her up - she seems to have some ability to be a bit multidimensional when it comes to position at least when I’m on the Leaderboard)…
Yes, I am using her right now. For the longest time I was using Wilbur in that role. Once I made it into diamond, I wanted something that was better at fitting the tank role. I like Wilbur still in that position though; and might use him again from time to time when he is classed with higher defensive stats.
I’m not at a point of being in top 100 however. I am more so in the 2600 range at the moment.
She made the upgrade to tank a few days ago for me. Zim was starting to just get demolished as i was creeping up on 4000 tp. Zim is NOT a good tank in that power level. She was though from about 3700-3900 though with either Onatel flanking or on the wing.
I just maxed Onatel last night and Panther will be finished tonight. I still have about 50 green 4 and 3* feeders to give Zeline, so she will shortly follow.
I’ll keep you updated in how she does for me.
That is awesome. Closest thing I’ve got to Zeline is Buddy.
I didn’t even know Zeline was good until Razor told me so. Until then i was all about Lianna. Lol
Lol. That’s funny. She can be quite punishing. I am beyond impressed with her card.
I might try tanking with her at some point? I’ll let Onatel get her spot for a while though!
@CrossXcalibur and @Starryeyedgryph - please keep me informed as to you progress or setbacks with Onatel. I may have you contribute on the TM site regarding your experience with her if you were open to it down the road …
Yes ZELINE when I obtained her with GREAT PURPOSE given my knowledge of data sampling and following the leaderboard (available to the entire world by the way) obtaining her was NECESSARY to put together a TOP-100 team (certainly there are other options especially now, that was just what I knew to do at the time with who I had). She is still a very viable and important hero in the game! She is a ROCK and her skills are amazing! I can agree with @CrossXcalibur:
And I’m mentioning her here in a little detail because she can be substituted for some players as a TANK. More so in the past than CURRENT. She is actually ranked #7 in the TANK position for Defensive teams in the TOP-100. Again that is not CURRENT information, its CUMULATIVE and Historical…
I guess you have to click the image to see what I have Highlighted… I’ll try adjusting it so you dont.
No idea why images are having a problem today… weird
@Rigs @Slingbow @Roxy_TM @MrsBCW @Wormwood (guys read this and my next comment when you have time)… Comments if you have any!
WELL OUTSIDE ONATEL who just needs further time to develop herself and where she best belongs in this game - TBD @Starryeyedgryph the Team you setup as her support team qualifies through the Reporting and Data Collection of the TOP-100 via TM . com as a TOP-100 defensive team! Again ONATEL TBD…
Zim, Panther and Magni are all acceptable substitutes for the “TOP-5” team… It will be interesting to know how it turns out for you as I currently have 2 substitutes and instantly when assembled the ability to be TOP-100 was given to me. Zim is the shakiest on cumulative data however has proven to work.
By no means is what I say the “ONLY” way, it’s how I achieved what I have in this game by investigation and testing… and data collection was a HUGE part of it.