THE RUTHLESS WARRIORS seeking one active player

If you are committed to your game then we will committ to you 100%.

We are still looking for one additional active player.

Drama free alliance with a lot of support and fun. Only requirement is to participate is to commit to your game, war and titan.

Sadly a health issue has claimed another one of our players. We are open to welcoming an active player who is looking for an active, fun, mature, supportive alliance.

Still waiting for an active player to join our alliance and enjoy playing their game with us.

Internationale alliance with a lot of support and fun. Only requirement is commit to your game, war and titan fights.

Still have a spot open.

We still have one open slot avlb. Come and join us

We’re still having fun and still looking for an active player to join us.

What’s your requirements. I’m still building my roster but defense team is at 3095 and average between 1500-1700 cups

Our requirements are that you are looking for a fun, chatty, active alliance.

We value the person over the team, A strong team is only a bonus.

I’m sure you’d like playing with us.

Sorry, looks like we just missed you.

Enjoy your game!

@rook This thread can be deleted. A new one was created, thanks.