The Pirate Rangers - Currently 3-4 Open Roster Spots

Are you an active player that is looking to grow, crush titans, show no quarter in war, and take the fight to all of our enemies?

If so, respond here or hit me up on Line (mpaynew).

We are a quickly developing sister alliance of the Pirate Horde.

We currently attack 7 star - 9 star titans

Expectations of Pirate Rangers

  1. War is optional; but if you’re opted in, you must use all flags
  2. Use Titan flags.
  3. Drink more rum

Currently 3 1 openings available


Would be a fun group to hang with, if i ever need a new place to lay low for a bit I’ll come knockin lol


I’ll take that as a ringing endorsement.

Definitely has experienced members who are always willing to help personal and team growth in the game with a vast array of knowledge about the game’s ins & outs. Fairly laid back allowing you to grow/play at your pace, just very passionate & strict but understanding about your participation in team activities (war/titans).

Members are loyal and consistent with many members having been with the Rangers for 400-700+ days.


They are a great group of people. I was a member for quite a while and enjoyed my time there immensely.
Come and grow with them.


As a newer member of Pirate Rangers I felt welcomed from the very beginning and have improved significantly thanks to the encouragement and advice from fellow teammates. This is a great alliance to be a part of with lots of amazing people!


Or a reason to stay away. :wink:


Now that is an endorsement!


We have filled 2 of our spots and are down to one opening. Get ahold of me if you are interested!


Currently have 1-2 roster spots available.

Message Raptor if you’re interested in joining.

Currently have 3-4 roster spots available.

Looking for enthusiastic members excited to participate in a growing alliance.

Currently combating 7-9 Star titans regularly but looking forward to growing to double-digit titans with a full roster.

Reply to this thread or message Raptor via Line to join.

Looks pretty good to me, would like to give it a try


@Wardaddy, sorry, I was away from the forum while getting ready to move. If you are still interested shoot me a message on line (mpaynew/SA Raptor), or let me know on here and I can open things up for you

We still have a few openings. Come join us, there still might be some rum left.

I am interested in joining the guild if it’s still possible. I play a lot lately so I wanna spend some time with other active players :slight_smile:

Hey @Loxz, do you have, or can you download the Line chat app? It will make communication and coordination much easier.

Hey @SupremeAlienRaptor, unfortunately there are some technical issues that prevents me from creating a Line chat account. Is it possible to chat with you on another platform than the Line chat app?

I’ve used

Hey all, as my life is getting busier I have handed leadership off to one of my co-leaders. I am happy to continue to link people to the alliance, but please be patient if you don’t get an immediate response.

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