The hype about Khufu

Mother North, Heimdall and Lord Loki (whom I have) have almost completely negated any issues I have with Alfrike.

" Just don’t hit Gosek", Right, like you or any of us can guarantee that? Well if you can stop cascades or your tiles are always where you want them, good for you I guess.


I battle against people in the 2600+ cup rages so not sure what that has to do with anything pertaining to the thread.

None of these stop either Khufu or alfrike. What are you saying

Kiril can go off 15 times. 1 hit from Khufu he’s dead. Lol wowser

What I’m saying doesn’t matter because apparently you’ve made up your mind you can’t defeat him. I’ve giving several setups that I’ve used to defeat him as well as other options ‘within my roster’ that have been successful against him. You brought in another character you seem to fear and I gave you another example of a team I have used against that character successfully. You again, ignored that, all to say “none of these set ups stop,” blah, blah blah. Well you’re now actually lying and misleading people because I have used these characters to successfully defeat them. But again, when people like you ignore others and don’t even try to compete and think outside the box, then nothing anyone says matters. You’ll always be right in your own mind. Good luck to everyone who likes challenges. I’m out.


Loki could, used him all the time to shut down any alfrikes


I just looked theough the top 100 defenses. There were a few Khufu, but I saw WAY more Xnols, Costume Panther, and Liu Bei. It looked like he was there as often as Ludwig, Lu Bu, Cao Cao, or Mother North and a handful of other defense oriented heroes.

I lost a raid tourney today. I got a poor board, sure, but Khufu was the only enemy special to go off. The only one. He ripped through me, left that DoT on the way out and that was it. I cannot remember losing a raid when the enemy got off only a single special.


He is op straight up. He needs
to be nerfed.

I’m never in the “he needs a nerf” camp. But I’ll say this Khufu is the only hero that I regularly face that if he goes off I lose. Normally hero’s like that are very slow mana but he is not. This is as close to I get as saying he needs a nerf. I also never reroll but when I see him it’s as close as I get to choosing that option

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I avoid him as much as I can. He just hits too hard. :scream:


When I see Khufu I know I have to prioritise him. Kill him, mana control him, blind him, get a dodge up… I just urgently have to make sure he does not fire, as he will outright kill my heroes most likely, especially as by the time Khufu fires they’ve taken some minor damage. Even if they survive, a turnaround is very unlikely

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Instead if asking “can I technically beat this hero”, ask “does this hero do vastly more than 90% other heroes of his speed?” or “does this hero do double/triple of what a season 1 hero does?”.

Pretty sure both apply to Khufu. It’s not about technically being able to beat them, it’s about unchecked power creep. Goseck has the same problem in spades. Sure, you can say “but the 700% is conditional!”, and yet even at base damage it’s effectively nearly double the damage of Quintus. And he gets a neat gargoyle shield on top of it, too.


I dont trust in all these “here is my 100% team to kill OP-Hero XY”-statements.
There is always an issue…no one will put only Khufu in his defense.
There are always four other heroes you also have to deal with.
I own Khufu. And Ludwig as well, he is also one of the heroes with a lot of “100% tutorial to kill him”-threads.
And a lot of other strong & very strong heroes, i admit that i spend quite a lot of money for this game.
However: If there are four more OP-Heroes near Khufu…what effect does it have to concentrate only on Khufu?

I’d love to see the teams you guys take up against khufu. You may have never had a chance to begin with not having had the correct setup. I personally take 3 off color healers that can give boosted health. Or I’ll do two off color healers and dodge or taunt. It’s a slower way to fight and it won’t work against every setup, but taking two heavy hitters and 3 over healers will typically keep you alive and you can just pick the team apart.


I typically make sure I have Quintin and another fast hit 3/all Blue or two. Mark with Quintin, kill with a hit 3 to others following. That is my go to for any team where I have to take out a single target quick. He is pretty easy to tame with that setup (yes I know not everyone has Quintin, just giving one example where you don’t have to worry about Khufu)

I fought a Khufu team the other day. Brought Melandor, Alexandrine, Freya, a Khufu of my own and Yang Mai. Their Khufu fired first. I healed with Alexandrine then fired my own as well as Yang Mai. YM gives Mana boost so that was enough to trigger the other two heroes and I brought up some ravens but kept Melandor in reserve. I won that day.

At that point though, it really isn’t about Khufu it is about the rest of the team. Because one hero is very difficult if he has 4 OP support heroes bootsing him up doesn’t mean he breaks the game. The ones to worry about are the heroes that can be paired with 4 avg heroes and still dominate. Khufu being slow gives him a lot of counters if not paired with 4 other great heroes or big mana boosting heroes.

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I usually use reposte hero’s against khufu, mainly C obakan, Liu Bei etc . It’s satisfying to watch him kill himself by his special but all depends on board. If I can charge my hero’s before him , it’s easy to take him down. Otherwise I need to flee before he wipes my team :rofl: