☆°\The Empire Cafe/°☆ Has 2 spots open

☆°\The Empire Cafe/°☆ Has one spot open…We are currently smashing 8* titans an will be crushing 9* In no time!!! We are a band of misfits from all over the world, who enjoy taking down 8 star titans while chatting over coffee |__|} and cakes @. :wink:

We are a highly active and friendly group. Everyone is highly supportive of each other and we love to see the growth our members make.

Most of our team are elders and have been together for a very long time. We have a lot of knowledge to share.

We do participate in the alliance wars but taking down bigger titans remains our priority. The alliance wars are a no stress, fun diversion for us.

If you are active daily and our group sounds like something you are looking for, come check us out! 1000 trophies required!!

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On the hunt for 3 more members… we are a friendly bunch, pretty chatty and highly active team. I think we are one of the good ones. We have lots of experience and are very supportive of one another. Titans are our main focus. We don’t much care for AW. Willing to adjust trophy requirement for the right player.

Just took down our first rare, a 7* super easy, look at all the time left till next one! We still have 2 spots open, come join us while you can.

Aun tenèis hueco, estoy estancado en una alianza vacia, muy activo, 1000 trofeos y nivel 23

Yes we do let us know if you are still keen…if so then we could adjust thee trophies…add us on F.b Under our alliance name :slight_smile:

Hi. New player here, about 4 weeks. Very active though, have defense strength of 2579 and 1053 cups. Looking for a serious team where everyone contributes daily and is willing to teach someone who plays often. Very dependable and drama free. I would be low for you right now, but looking to grow.

Heya jenneee I’m sure you have worked hard wither 4 weeks to get there we are full of members who have all progreseed as you are more than welcome I will adjust trophies to allow you in cheers BH…p.s feel free to joke our Facebook chat group search our alliance name you will find us there :slight_smile:

Thanks. Request sent.