đŸ§Ș The Beta Beat (V68) - Gargoyles, Construct Heroes, Super elemental heroes -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

After 2 days of chatting with them, they informed me that “there isn’t anything like this in the release notes”.

I agree with all the other players which complained about the support system
 it is indeed more useless than useful. Seems like a waste of time to talk with them

@PlayForFun do you think you could help clarifying this topic? Sorry for tagging you, but maybe the support people simply do not communicate with the development team.

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I can ask Staff about that whether MV skip in Premium Timesaver VIP is included in the V68 or not.

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That would be great! Thank you! <3

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It is, watch the TikTok video in the release notes post. Sadly not in the text version (bad staff
) but the answer is already there one way or another. I guess this feature will be enabled at some point next week @Nexus1254


That is my expectation too.

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I guess making that official is trouble with their ad sales and they figure that the players will get it without an official update, where their advertisers wont.

Yeah. The support team told me they couldn’t find any text about it, so it is not going to be released :man_facepalming:

What a lack of communication inside this company


Release notes have been extended.

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Ok cool, we have all the information about the new time saver VIP passes now. Also confirmed it will be enabled next week. The only missing piece is the price point. I hope the prices stay the same!


Not at all confusing
 not at all.

Yes, Petri has just told me that they extended the release notes.


Last time they extended the VIP (when the timesaver VIP was releasead) the priced where incresead, I am afraid

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very strange to see gems in third draw in titan loot
is thus intended change ?
is there any more change ?
maybe better loots from now?

It seems like the gems are moving up the order in MV and other loots also.

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mayve someone with orb​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: can see if happened any other change in loots too

So, won’t the current Premium timesaver become the new Premium? Some people might already have it set for a few months and now they wouldn’t be able to get the better stuff.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wrong interface alignment on tablets

something I noticed that I’m assuming was intentional with the update is that the timesaver VIP rewards now go right into your inventory


I’ve had a couple of Mystic Visions with Costume Keys at position #2 (of 4) - normally I see them as the last item.

No idea if they are specifically making changes here or if it’s just an unintended consequence of some other changes elsewhere.

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No they are screwing us over AGAIN.

If you have standard it is changing to the New Standard (old premium) but if you have premium if will transfer to Standard
Because its the same they say
So Old Standard get upgrade but Old Premium get downgraded

So pissed
got a few months earlier when play points were multiplied
Now i get screwed unless i buy the new premium
Sure i just miss out in ad skipping but WHY are they screwing me
If I want to buy the new premium
ALL my old premium is wasted

I think I am going to turn off purchases if this happens. Going to send a email to turn off purchases This Is The Final Straw For Me It’s not jst this its almoat many other things like the complete rework of Garten from my favorite Nature Hero to green healer that I want to RESET but they want send a Aether Reset Token to compensate us for. Its alot of little stuff. They are inconsistent about resolving and compensating as well which is extra frustrating.

Edit: Sorry for the rant. Its my fault for buying a few extra months of the premium tier expecting it to stay the best tier. Now if i want the best tier to skip ads I have to buy it literally again and my previous time means nothing. But the lower tier gets a free improvement.

Edit2 Electric Boogoloo:
It is realllllly incredible how frustrating and how inconsistent they are sometimes. I think that is what bothers me the most. Le Sigh.