šŸ§Ŗ The Beta Beat (v23) [NOW RELEASED] ā€“ Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta: Stronghold 22/23 & Alchemy Lab, New Challenge Event Heroes, New Knights of Avalon & Pirates of Corellia Challenge Events, Costumes, November/December HOTM

Beta Update

Beta for the new Knights of Avalon Challenge Event is now closed.

Iā€™ll update this thread when the next Beta Version is released.


Does anyone know how much iron was needed in the beta for the lvl22 and lvl23 stronghold??

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@zephyr1 , @Kerridoc merge or close.


OP, your question is answered near the top of the ā€œBeta Beatā€ thread above.

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Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:


The answer is ā€œtoo muchā€.


Beta Update

Beta is now closed for internal testing. A new version of Beta is planned for release soon, aiming for tomorrow.


2.5 months since v22 came out. Whoa.


Yeah, definitely a big change from past release cycles.

Iā€™m actually glad to see them taking more time on big features, and not rushing them out the door. Though Finnish holidays have definitely been a factor too.

The sheer number of different items theyā€™ve been working on at once is interesting, though. It feels like weā€™re destined to go from a dry spell of releases to a deluge.


As a full time developer that has worked in an environment where features are prioritized over quality, I agree with this 100% :smiley:


The grind and the ā€œitā€™s not a game anymoreā€ is exactly why I quit playing other games I enjoyed. I started out lpaying a fun game. THen it started to resemble a job with balancing things. I have these things going so when there done I can do that. Then when that is done I can build X. With X I can make more Y. Then I can also do something else at the same time so that I donā€™t waste idle hoursā€¦ I get that the games take server space to run and that money is the end goal but SG seems to really be pushing this approach. They have more money than most devs ever dream of. They have a RABID fan base from a MOBILE game that resembles a AAA console game from XBox or PS. While we donā€™t have insight into the metrics I, like many others, canā€™t see the harm in letting people have things that make sense. I get not giving everyone 5* from the gate and those that have them canā€™t use them since they canā€™t level them. The game balances that way. However, after 15 months there is no more content that is new. I spend more time here and other sites reading about the game than actually playing it. Why? because I really love it. I love the heroes and the new costumes and hoping that one day they will pop out of my TC20 or the portal. I have finished heroes in TC20 now but I collect them in batches which is hard since I want to know if that icon might be hiding a 5* and its sitting there waiting for me! I posted my last results and a few people asked how I could be so patient to pull 30x (3 x 10) from TC20. Its hard.
And Mythwars, for as bad a clone as it is, does have the one thing most people want here. They have free gold tokens that can actually be earned. The odds are the same as here(well actually everything is since it is an exact copy, hero skills and all, HOTM, etc) but at least you get a chance to summon something and see the flashing lights and hope that a sweet 5* pops outā€¦LOL. And that summon portal is very captivating. Look at the videos of pulls on YT. Tons of views, people living vicariously through those that can do 100x pulls or more in atlantis or events. Waiting to see what will pop out and hoping you will be that lucky.
SG, remember this is a GAME, not a job for us. It is a job for YOU. You get paid, we are here for fun. I love the game. I actually installed it after I kept getting the little demo as an ad in another game I played for months daily all day. This is the longest I played any mobile game and most I ever spent on a mobile game. I have so much time and effort invested that I donā€™t want to walk away like most people. Just give us a boneā€¦or a free 5* hotm(pleaaaaase)


And remember they have 5 weeks of paid holiday leave in Finland :laughing:


In the Beta tests are the titans still not over 12 *?

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There have been 13* and 14* Titans in Beta for a long time.


Thank you, Iā€™ve been meaning to suggest this very thing for awhileā€¦ I second this proposition, as it would make AM Inventory much clearer!

[It also makes more sense in that it would make unfarmable AMā€™s match the respective heroes they are to ascend: 4* AMā€™s for 4* heroes, 5* AMā€™s for 5* heroes.]


Beta Update

A new version of Beta has been released with a large number of updates. This is also the first time weā€™ve seen both Challenge Event updates (currently Knights of Avalon) and Alchemy Lab in Beta at the same time.

Some of the items included in this Beta version:

  • Alchemy Lab has returned with changes to the Alkashard amounts. Iā€™ve updated the top post to contain all of the Alchemy Lab Level information.

  • Marie-ThĆ©rĆØse and Bauchan have had balance changes, which Iā€™ve updated in the threads on them

  • Challenge Event completion reward will be given even if final stage completed after event ended

  • Two new HOTM added: Neith, November 2019 and Grimble, December 2019

  • 13- and 14-star Titans (these have been in Beta for a long time, but are specifically mentioned in the Release Notes this time)

  • New Pins added to the Avatar Shop


Great News!
Specially the titan ones!
Cant wait forā€¦ (your updatesšŸ˜‚)


Iā€™ve created new threads for the two new HOTM, updated the Alchemy Lab details in the top post of this thread, and updated the threads on Marie-ThĆ©rĆØse, Bauchan, and Black Knight. :slightly_smiling_face:


You are the Man! :sparkling_heart: