šŸ§Ŗ The Beta Beat (v23) [NOW RELEASED] ā€“ Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta: Stronghold 22/23 & Alchemy Lab, New Challenge Event Heroes, New Knights of Avalon & Pirates of Corellia Challenge Events, Costumes, November/December HOTM

So currently itā€™s:

  • 7d + 150 gems for 5% chance of 4*AM
  • 7d + 250gems for random 4*AM reroll (excluding the same)

The first option gives on average one 4*AM per ~5 months for 3000 gems. (and blocks you from using alchemy lab for other things).

The second option sounds okayish. Kinda what I wished for. But Iā€™m not sure I would spend 250 gems on such reroll. 100 - maybe, but 250?

Unless Alkashards have some great use Iā€™m unaware of.

EDIT: Actually, @zephyr1, since I canā€™t find any info on forums, what are Alkashards?


A welcome change that is about 6 months too late for me! The first time I ever finished the legendary tier, the fight drug on too long, and I missed the rewards by about 10 minutes!


Soā€¦forgive me if Iā€™m wrong but its still 10,000 alkashards for your choice of an item correct?

At the current, and slashed rate, using the level that gives the most alkashards per transmute it will take 17 weeks to accumulate that number of alkashards. This will be at a gem cost of 4250ā€¦and we know how stingy SG is with free gems.

So from a $$ standpoint youā€™re sinking what, a couple $$$, into the game to get a random mat you might need and then a choice of a mat at the end? This assumes you have enough mats to begin with to run (17) transmutes.

Who in blue blazes thought this was a bright idea??

Cause seriously how many rare quests, titan kills, etc that give you an opportunity of those same mats are going to occur during that 17 week time period? **Titan kill this morning gave me a compass and warm cloak at B loot.

As it stands my opinion hasnā€™t changedā€¦it simply wonā€™t ever make my castle grounds until that gem cost is gone.


See this post:

Iā€™ve quoted that into the top post of this thread as well.


About the Titans, are there changes in the rewards?

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So alchemy lab main purpose is to: - transmute useless items into 1 random usless item

  • or to spend gems for a small chance to get 4*ancension item
  • and to get some alkashards
  • which U can use to get one Item U really want after U gather thousands of them.

So for example my 6000 useless training manuals I will get 200 random useless 2* ancensions and 400 alkashards. Spending 6200000 food and 200 h of laboratory work.

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Ups I see that alkashards also give u random stuff from picked category.

This Alchemy Lab remains a completely useless waste of time. The only people who can upgrade a building that far are those who have been playing a really, really long time. By the time you get this far in the game, a 5% chance at a random 4 star mat, AT COST and 7 DAYS(!) no less, is not even remotely worth our time. This is a great concept that is just being completely wasted on bad ideas and bad design. Focus on the challenge event changes, those actually look cool. Go ahead and just kill this Alchemy Lab, no one is even going to use it.


Agreed. I have zero interest in the alchemy lab in its current state. It should be so simple. Trade 1 4* ascension item and maybe some random materials to get a 4* ascension item you need. They are making it wayyyy too complicated


Gonna have to second this. This is the third iteration of this building that has gone into beta, and I donā€™t think anyone is excited about it at all. I guess I might think about converting a forge and swirling around a bunch of useless junk to get some alkashards once in a while, but the costs just to unlock the levels and research are crazy high. Why this is being pitched at the SH 23 level is beyond me. Literally nobody at that level needs anything but the last two AL levels, and those are debatable.

Youā€™ve heard the feedback, SGG. If you arenā€™t willing to make changes that make this ā€œfeatureā€ something that your player base will use - and these iterations seem to make it clear that you arenā€™t - scrap it. Nobody wants it.


sigh well I see they just updated the food costs, and theyā€™re stubborn about leaving the gem costs for the final stages of Alchemy lab. And they also lowered Alkashards which I donā€™t really care much for.

I donā€™t really see a point of level 7 or 8 when crafting items can be farmed during Atlantis Rises easily, and when Epic battle items can be crafted for no gem costs at forges.

Am I missing some strategy or thought process here? :thinking:


If looking for a thought process Iā€™d look no further than the terms of the Zynga acquisition.

ā€œThe transaction is expected to close effective as of January 1, 2019 and Zynga will purchase the remaining 20% of Small Giant over the next three years at valuations based on specified profitability goals.ā€ https://investor.zynga.com/news-releases/news-release-details/zynga-enters-agreement-acquire-small-giant-games-creator-hit

So what was a game with a slightly overpriced in game currency has been given the incentive to turn the dial up to 12 regardless of the health of the game. Features like Alliance Wars that was for the good of the game and giving players more to do without extra gem costs are a thing of the past. Slapping gem costs either directly or indirectly on any new feature just ups the valuation of the remaining 20% of the deal.

If Iā€™m trying to look for a bright side it would be that my seasonal spending just got cheaper, whereas I might have bought 4* AMs I had in surplus before for the possibility of transmuting them in the lab I now wonā€™t be buying themā€¦ Assuming I feel like spending anything more in game at all by the next seasonal event anywayā€¦


They lowered the amount of alkashards? I read zephyrā€™s comment about the amounts changing and assumed (foolishly, it seems) that they had increased them to provide some kind of incentive to use this red-headed stepchild of a ā€œfeatureā€. But no, they lowered themā€¦ significantlyā€¦ because reasons, I guess. At this point, the 50-gem mission reward for reaching SH 25 is about the most appealing reason to upgrade. I wish I were joking.


It isnā€™t worth the resources to build. And Iā€™m a completionist with maxed 1* heroes. I wonā€™t build this waste of space if it stays the way it is.


I pointed that point a few months back also.
I completely understand why Hunterā€™s lodge have to be unlocked at SH21. This is a building that create new items that are 4 and 5*.
There is literally no fā€”ā€”ing reason why AL will need a SH23. Making it available at SH10, like barracks, would make so much sense for me. I mean, at 1-2 months in the game, i would have loved to be able to convert some farmable 3* to ascend my 4* to 3rd tier.
I truly donā€™t understand where are going with AL and HA.
My first bet would be right in the wallā€¦ :man_shrugging:

So funny, but so true


Definitely knew the idea didnā€™t originate with me. Just wanted to reiterate the point, because I canā€™t believe it has eluded the devs.

I remembered a suggestion of SH 10, but couldnā€™t remember who made it, and I was too lazy to search the thread. I think this is a far more reasonable suggestion.


Thatā€™s dedication, Holmes! Iā€™m impressed.


One of every 1* and 2* in the game maxed. Purely because having something not completed bugs me. Thatā€™s why I researched the useless levels for the training camp. This, though? Not worth the effort. The costs are too high for something Iā€™ll never use.

At this point, I should give up on Hero Academy and eat all the heroes Iā€™d been saving for it. Would free up spaceā€¦

Barracks cost

Available here Wiki

Would it truly break the game to have AL have the same costs as the barracks instead of the ridiculous cost at the moment?
And it would benefit everyone, the beginner, the advanced, the F2P, the C2P and the whales.
With a low building cost, i might build it, even with how ridiculous the research are. If the cost stay the same, no way i waste valuable iron and ham on that pile of crap.

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Thanks! Itā€™s strange that forum search function for ā€˜alkashardsā€™ didnā€™t find it for me.

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