Surprise return of Magic Tower

Don’t feel bad, I had hundreds saved and used them all too. I don’t care anymore :joy:


Wow, I didn’t realize that this happened… Another reason for me to completely stop my insanity.

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That’s a lack of self-control :rofl:

I refuse to use those tokens on bog-standard portals.


Challenge events and Kalevala are the only events where Legendary troops can’t be used. They can be used in Towers and the currently ongoing Springvale.


Well @PlayForFun did ask staff about this several weeks ago.
They replied with we are trying to find a solution for the magic Tower.

Here two topics on information


I don’t really understand what that means, “find a solution”. Was there a problem with the Magic tower that kept it away for so long?


It wasn’t making them any money. Players used it for dumping “free” ETTs and pretty much nothing else.


Its probably more of find a solution on when to put into the calendar, as there was other towers or game play going on at the time. (Thats the way i see it)

Can see this topic getting a few mentions


Wishing you plenty of luck in the upcoming magic troop portal.

Do be sure to say nice things about Zynga while trying. Just in case that helps a wee bit.


I just said: idgaf anymore


Not personally. In an earlier thread, I think it was @PlayForFun who reported that one of the troops portals was appearing for the last time but that SGG had plans for the future.

All the same, I also have my own reflections on the ways that SGG has consistently operated. They bring out a product, sell it to the greatest extent they can, and later bring out something new, better, and shinier to sell.

Good to know. Thanks. :+1:

Raid Torneys also remain a big part of many player’s games.

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That is common knowledge by now.

Only Tower without a dedicated troop portal is Owl. If they are going to introduce another epic troop, that would be a likely event.

Zynga still has a way to go for LT. They can milk that for awhile. And then introduce new LT with different class mix. This revenue stream will pull in money for awhile.

Only [current] tower… Who knows what SGG will do next. Personally I think that owl troops sound really silly. Messengers or some such, sure, but troops, I personally don’t think that sounds right.

Do you?

Troops don’t even need to be associated with a tower. Mana and Crit troops aren’t. All we can do is wait and see what happen, but I suspect that there will be a scheme by which SGG will try to monetize.

Will be nice to have more troop feeders :slight_smile: also a nice change up from Owl Tower :stuck_out_tongue:


Better Harry than Hedwig.

It turns out that the owls aren’t popular.

And now you complain about players complaining, good for you!


I have been told if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all :rofl:

(I suppose I should have listened)


Are you complaining about someone complaining about people complaining?


It’s possible they will do this but I think more likely they will release new 5* legendary troops. Its more profitable albit unnecessary. ETTs are easy to come by and not as $$$ as LTTs. Dont wanna give them ideas. Dont do it!

I’m not really complaining about someone complaining about people complaining.

I’m just commenting on someone complaining about people complaining, it seems silly to complain about someone complaining about others complaining.