Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

It would be a radical change, but I’ve often thought that a completely different version of this game could exist where you can have any hero you want, but the resources to level them were even more restricted.

Then you’d still have to pick and choose how you wanted to build your teams with limited resources, so even being able to have any hero you wanted wouldn’t mean you could level them all.

But it’s clearly just a thought experiment, since that’s not at all how the game works.


I have literally no idea what we’d be doing in this game if we weren’t constantly trying to get loot and decide how to use it.

That resource management really is the game.


SG could fast track this given this has gotta be the #1 complaint. But it hurts their bottom line so why hurry. Grumble grumble grumble.


I am (essentially) F2P and AM are still the roadblock for me. I have a pile of 5* at 1-1 for that reason. As far as I can see lack of heroes in general is not the issue with the game.

Most long-term players get frustrated because of the lack of SPECIFIC heroes they want to add.


You’re not wrong. I’ll admit it lol


I think they could implement it in a way that would also serve revenue generation.

But I really hope they don’t rush any implementation of it…I love SG, but they could use some work on their quality control when developing new features.

I’m actually hopeful that we’ll see development pace slow a bit and become more thoughtful as the game continues to mature.

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I believe Tim, the lead designer, is also very attached to unfiltered randomness. I’m not sure why exactly, but it seems to be something of a philosophical position.

To my mind, shards or the equivalent would be like the Rare Quests: a way for you to get at least a little bit of something you really want, guaranteed. Then, letting the rest be pure random doesn’t fret me much.


Well if SG gives all the heroes and all the mats we want then what?
We would complain about boards?
They give us the boards we want then what?
We would complain about the easy and pointless game story seasons…

Yes its hard to get heroes
Yes its hard to get Ams
Yes its hard to fight 12* titans

Yes thats what keep me playing this game for almost 2 years!


The shards idea would be one way of generating profit while allowing players to work towards a specific hero, rather than blindly throwing blunted darts trying to hit the teeny soap bubble in amongst the hundreds of water balloons.


Pure randomness is probably great for the bottom line, is my guess :stuck_out_tongue:

How many people dumped $100+ for Guin? If suddenly they didn’t have to… I don’t see how this idea, however implemented, could possibly make back all of that lost money.

You know, such a thing does exist as a game people play for many years where they aren’t constantly angry about a fundamental component of the game.

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This. The CEO actually said in a presentation some months ago that one of the key philosophies at SG was that faster was better than getting everything perfect.

That makes a lot of sense for a company that’s growing an immature product. But it doesn’t seem like an optimal strategy for incremental enhancements to a more mature product. On the other hand, I’m not the guy whose company was just bought for several hundred million USD, so what do I know?


Sell Shards sometimes. Have Shards be farmable and people buy WE Refills. Have VIP include Shards. Give Shards in Atlantis Chests.

Anything that ties Shard acquisition to something that can be accelerated with purchases will generate revenue directly.

Beyond that, I think it would keep people in the game longer, and that’s good for revenue on all fronts.


Not really!
I played a lot of games and unless they are pure pvp they have lots of negative feedback

People dump money in a large part because they’re impatient. Shards or equivalent won’t change that. If I told you it was going to take a year to get Guin, you personally might say “ok” and hold your cash.

But you’d have 104 AWs between here and there where you still had to use your current tank. Most people would still break down and spend to try to speed things up.

I have simply elected not to pull for Guin. The cost/benefit isn’t worth it. And so now they get nothing from me when Avalon rolls around. If, on the other hand, you told me I could spend a little cash and twice a year get a hero I wanted, or for free once a year do so, I would fork over that cash.

Seems like it could be revenue positive if done right.


I’m skeptical. But I want to believe it’s possible because I think it’d do a lot of good for the game, and for the enjoyment of the game by the players. Fingers crossed!

Hopefully people continue to post motivation for SG (yeah I’m talking about cuss filled rambles like the one that landed me here today :smiley: )

Edit: I went and found the Shards post. Please vote for it if you haven’t already! (I had previously, which makes me happy)


I personally do not see anything changing anytime soon. This is not a traditional gaming company.
It seems they will proceed to the same road for as long as they can milk it, and they will be able to do it for a long time since gambling is an addiction.
Just play as long as you like and do not pay more than you can waste.

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QFT. Treat any money you put into this game like any other ephemeral entertainment expense. It’s not an investment, it’s just gone once you spent it. If you’re not ok wasting the dollars, don’t put them into the game.


It’s words like that that will lead me towards superstition and those people who think my new prayer mat in the lounge room deliberately faces Helsinki and is a source of amusement to them are simply mistaken (I swear) will feel vindicated… Dang.


For those who don’t want to scan 500 posts to get the joke: the comedy was in the fact that he had not, at that point, even slowed down on making angry posts.

As crazy-making and frustrating as the summoning system is, it does appear to be as random as the PRNG they’re using can make it.

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I’m fine, I don’t need help. Remember I have Vivica and am not the one making insane rants that clearly most of the community disagrees with. But you do you. Bye Felicia…lol.
Edit…the Vivica comment was actually regarding a different rant in another thread which the poster has similar ideas. Either way by this point my head is spinning. Vivica heal me…lol.