Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

In what sense is it a terrible decision to have low 5* summoning probabilities?

The game really isn’t designed for people to be getting large numbers of 5* heroes quickly. When they do get several rapidly, then we move over to the next category of complaint thread, which is: “I can’t get the necessary 4* AM to ascend all my heroes.”

To which I’m sure the next proposed adjustment is to up the availability of 4* AM. And these two changes together would result in people getting lots of 5* heroes quickly, maxing them all, and then getting bored and quitting.

Scarcity of resources such as heroes and AM, and the demand for long-range planning, are part of what makes the game have longevity. Just blindly upping the summoning probabilities for 5* is not the panacea you appear to believe it is.


Definitely agree! I don’t have a maxed 5* yet. Viv is currently at 4/45 and Red Hood at 4/ 25. those are the only two I have been able to max ascent so far. Waiting on 1 Tabard for Seshat, and 2 telescopes for Frida. It will be years (probably) before I will be able to ascend all of my 5s, in which time, I imagine i will get a few more… I am concentrating on my 4* and have maxed 13 of them so far, with Kiril and Rigard almost there.

Still having fun. The scarcity of mats is part of the fun. Last week, I had an incredible normal Hero and monster chest run, where I got an Orb, Rings, and a Compass in three chests in a row. Those are the lucky, unexpected thrulls that keep the game interesting.

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So you’re saying I’m not normal?

There are actually three, because I don’t believe there’s any fraud to justify, since they posted the odds. Maybe a course in probability analysis is in order? 30 pulls is nothing.

You can be as angry as you like here but don’t go around stereotyping the rest of us, ok?

(posted earlier here but apparently people don’t bother reading old posts)


Odds? What are the odds to pull twice 3 same heros in 7 tries?! This debate is over for me, it clear what I wanted to say, to ones who understand, ones who dont? Its ok, we cant all agree.

?!? Why are you so offended?
He just tried to help you with facts…
Enjoy the game

Communism is labelling me how you want me to be bud.

“But dont go around…” is that way you communicate?? Obviously there were people that agreed with me…

What is your current roster? Can we see how unfair the game has been? Also could you post roughly how much you spent and how long you have played? Are you running a TC20?

This would help to see what your actual complaints are though I still think you are really over reacting. Remember, the casinos are built on the money of the LOSERS. And they build them tall!!!


You said “All normal people agree with me”, labelling all those who don’t as not normal. I simply objected to the labelling. You don;t like me objecting. So you can think and write whatever but no one else can? Again, communism.

Also, wtf is a “cheaf”?


This made me laugh a lot :joy::joy:!
Have a nice day
“be happy dont worry every little thing is gonna be alright”

Than go around and argue with everybody who doesnt think as you.

Pay to WIN???Win what? Its an endless game their is no winning. It isn’t Halo where you finish the campaign. Also you posted to a forum for a game with over 1.5 million daily players but didn’t expect to get all kinds of responses?
Post you roster? Let’s try to see how ripped off you got. Maybe we can help you “win”. :rofl:


LOL no that’s you. :rofl:

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20 hankeys for free

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You should first helpyourself.

Bex… instead you could try to prove your point with facts!
Rant is good but you need to stop!

Moderator’s Note

Please remember that Forum Rules prohibit name calling, insults, and personal attacks.

Any and all viewpoints are welcome, including sharp criticism of the game and Small Giant.

But you must be civil to fellow players.


Probably pretty low maybe even a lower chance than drawing a 5* in 7 pulls :rofl::rofl:… see, you got your longshot right there :rofl::rofl:

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I agree with this.

You’re correct here - however there is one BIG difference between AM and heroes.

Unmaxed heroes have VALUE. They’re “fun” to own, they offer different abilities, and can be very useful or fun even if they’re not maxed out.

Having a situation where you have heroes but not Mats isn’t nearly as frustrating as having Mats but no one you even want to level. (In my experience and opinion of course).

I think having more heroes doled out would be fine, so long as the line were held on AM rates

The games progression system is very good (again, in my mind). And I’m constantly scratching my head at people frustrated About AM drops … collecting AM effectively IS the game LOL.

Heroes on the other hand… you can’t grind for the good ones. You either pay or you don’t. To me. That sucks. Sucks hard.

And I don’t want the whole world man. If a long term player wants ONE person, they gotta spend hundreds of dollars to TRY to get them. That’s wrong. It sucks.


You’ll find I have frequently on the forum urged people to vote for the shards proposal, which would enable just that: getting one or two heroes you really want given some time :slight_smile: