Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

…and obviously many that don’t…so now what?

It seems you people are never happy no matter what they do. Atlantis has featured heroes ( odds are increased a little) so that helped if your after a specific hero. Why not rally for SG to have rotating featured heroes for the seasonal and event pulls as well? Makes sense to ask for something that is realistic and offers up a fair solution to “wanting a specific hero” rather then asking for free stuff through shards and complaints. Just my opinion stated with all due respect to the player base, SG and the whole “real” moderator team!! Rainbows and butterflies

Summons are not as bad as most of you think as there are both goid and bad drops.

Personally I’ve experienced both ends where I have gotten nothing but repeats and/or 3* and that was extremely frustrating at the time.

But then you get those moments where the first pull gives you a 5* and all of a sudden all the bad pulls are forgotten.

My tip from personal experience on summons which has worked for.

  1. Only do single pulls as I have never found 10 pulls to be rewarding ever and constantly get doubles.
    I found it far more rewarding to do single pulls. I’ve also never gotten a HOTM from a 10 pull but get 2 to 3 a month in single pulls.

  2. I have also found if my first 2 pulls only give me a 3 star then I stop and wait a few hours or till the next day because after having tested this theory out for myself I found that continuing only brings on more 3*s and doubles.

But if I get a 4* or 5* on my first pull I then which has happened a few times, I then know I have hit a good moment/time on the RNG and keep going which in turn mostly always gives me more 4 and 5* hero’s.

I have used this tactic with my partner who also started playing and it has worked for her also.

My new F2P alt acc which I started only 3 months ago has run on a 5* Team since the start of the second month based in those same summons thinking with it 3 Ranvir’s, Seasat the big dark K from the Atlantis event. So with understanding and planning it can be done.

I have often seen asked myself why thise that do 39m 50, 100 etc etc pulls one after the orher like they do, do so by spending so much money and yet don’t use their brain’s more. Because when a player gets nothing but 3* , why keep going as it is clear that the RNG is not on your side, pick and choose the right moments and chance your own luck.


These comments are only based on my own experiences and experiments as it must be known that summons are totally random and all based on luck.

Goid Luck

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Atlantis summon is crap

I just used 200 Atlantis coins and 250 gems to do 3 summons and I got 3-3 star characters! This game sucks! What a major rip off and scam.

Sadly, these are very typical results, given the odds.

I pulled 15 and most were 3*s, and a couple of 4s, it’s just pot luck next time you could get 3 legendary’s in a row. If you persevere they will come.

There’s more than 70% chance for a 3* hero so your results are perfectly consistent with the odds.

Whether you like or dislike that odds is a different matter, but you posted in “bugs and issues” category and there’s no any bug.


I pulled 70 times without a single 5*
Now 90 times without a 5

What a joke!

Obviously there is an issue though.

But yes, it has happened to everyone, that 10 pull with only 3* heroes. Maybe next time will be better.

Depending on your definition of “issue”. This category is for reporting bugs, malfunctions and glitches. Pulling 3 3* heroes in 3 pulls is disappointing but it’s how this game is designed. There are many threads for complaining about summon odds e.g.:

I know, just enjoying the word play.

I don’t have problems with bad pulls, those happens.

250 gems? Are you sure you used the right portal?


I will just leave these here.

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How is this a scam lol they tell you the odds of you pulling 3*/4*/5* heroes it happens… I’ve only pulled 3* the last 2 times there was an Atlantis summon but finally got a 4* this time… This also doesn’t belong in bugs& issues?

Wow. That may be the worst luck I’ve ever heard of in this game.

Will add this too. :roll_eyes:

I got 250 Atlantis coins will make 300 before the time is done! Plus about 2000 gems!

I don’t use them all in one hit, I separate them do a pull here and there! Got 3 days! Sure the odds are against you anyways.

For me anyways iv always got someone new on the last 3 Atlantis don’t blow y’all load In one go! I got 2 eht today not using them till September as new hotm maybe I get lucky n get them as a bonus!

Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

This is just my personal opinion and Garanwyn may well fall over; the summons is really kind of a lottery but it is not rigged IMO. For a while I felt cursed but then, in 7 pulls, I picked up a 5*, 2 x 4* a 3* I wanted and 3 x 3* food heroes. My belief is the RNG doesn’t really care about your spending habits.
Further, if everyone could buy a team of 5* they would and game play would be pretty dull as a result. The way it works has given me nice depth of talent for its class and the ability to partake in wars with custom teams, not just what I have available.

Take a break for a bit OP, worked miracles for me.

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It really doesn’t…

The problem is people think it should.