Stones' colour distribution is NOT random - MASTER Board Conspiracy

It has been my experience that stacking clearly influences the color pull from the start. No question.

I have been playing strong mono teams for nearly a year. Strength of hits have changed, effectiveness of troop strength has fluxuated, but one thing has been consistant and that is tile production. They can say “balance” all they want. Loading boards every so often doesnt balance the massecures prior or bring back tbe war flags and heroes you just wasted from a battle that allowed 2 color matches.

If you have had a win streak the odds are you are going on a loosing streak. Too many wins effects the drop rate. Too high cup count does too.

Perhaps pvp should be implemented in wars and raids when high level players are involed. They match tiles on their turn then you answer on your turn. Just a thought. :slight_smile:

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Of course its not, who the hell should put all the work in it just to confirm he is wrong?

And there was that time I woke up with a Minotaur’s head in my bed.

This theory definitely deserves some exploration…

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And you wont. Regardless of wheather or not it is designed to hide the color you stacked, the macro needs to be adjusted so it is more balanced. It is irritating to approach a battle only to have them stand in a fireing line blindfolded and unarmed while being pummeled simply because the program is made to neglect the stack color.

Troops are useless if you cant get a color match on the board.

And where is your data demonstrating this claim? Oh right, I won’t see it because it doesn’t exist.

Many, many players here DO NOT see this trend you claim.

That is a great question. SG would most definitely benefit from manipualting boards against color-stacking and going mono. There was a time when mono was equivalent of an easy win. There were threads on forum calling SG to find a solution to mono or it would break the game. True, it proved the potential ti break the game, there is a very little chance of losing when you are color-stacking and delivered even boards. Three heroes of strong color takes out practically any tank with 5 or 6 tile hits.

So, i am convinced that the chances are manipulated but i get it and still keep having fun. Btw, in my uninformed opinion, the manipulation is not about the colors of tiles but their placement and the simplicity of finding matches with them

P.S.: It is not the right way to collect data from boards of raids and wars. What gives away the manipulation is the boards of season and event stages. You almost never run out of ideas in those battles, which is the way you it should be with random boards.


Just put it out there, during events I have decent boards through all the stages until I get to the final boss. At which point, the ability to select any matching option has suddenly gone away. Even if everything is absolutely random, the fact is the game more then makes you feel it’s not random.

  • lack of tile drops
  • lack of missing color
  • lack of combos
  • multiple single matched turns
  • placement of matchable tiles
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@zephyr1 @littleKAF @DaveCozy should this thread be in “bugs & issues” category? I mean, there are already almost 700 posts. Discussions, against and pro… Ridiculous discussions, but still, discussions…

It could certainly be in General Discussion as a complaint thread, but being in Bugs & Issues has the merit that @Petri’s “solution” appears in the top post:


I have hundreds of screenshots showing that tile generation when you use a stacked team is NOT random. 9/10 times when you use a team stacked of one color, that color is void from the playing field and if there are any of that color, they are not playable. Customer service says I am wrong. I am calling BS. Myself as well as all of my teammates and hundreds on the chat see the same thing. How many of you have noticed this happening and how many people need to say something before the mods actually believe us and do something about the coding intentionally setting tiles against stacked teams?

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Stupid question, but if this is the case, how is it possible that I could win 4 to 6 fights each war with one mono team of each colour and a 3-2 stack? Based on your “results”, this should not be possible.

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It is impossible to change the above persons mind. No amount of logic, statistics or facts will help. SG could share the code and get 10 independent experts to say that it’s not rigged and the person still wouldnt believe it.


I’ve personally never seen a starting screen with NO gems of a colour in almost 2 years of playing. What is a horrible board for one colour is an amazing board for another colour. I imagine most boards missing 1 of 5 colours would have an instant match in one of the 4 left and be discarded.

I have been using mono in wars for last couple months. I’ve had two wars where I went 0-6 on one-shots. I’ve had two wars where I went 6-6 on one-shots. I’m averaging around 4-6. A bit better than when I used 3-2.

What players don’t understand is that:

  1. RNG will create just these situations where you have streaks of bad boards with no matches. No programming shenanigans required. And confirmation bias will reinforce that they are always bad (9 times out of 10) to the player.

  2. Events and provinces are different from raids. You have 3-4 waves of minion monsters to kill before the bosses. You can easily set up dragons, diamonds, and cascades because the minions are, well, weak. Once you reach the bosses all the colours you have been stacking up are used and replaced at a 20% rate when you need them right away. You don’t have the luxury of a weak opponent to manipulate the board against, so it “no longer cooperates”.

RNG is a frustrating topic, yes, but you really need to try understanding it before making claims that things aren’t RNG in the game. If you can’t recognize what RNG is you will never ever recognize what it isn’t.

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I have been playing for almost 2 years and am not addressing levels… only pvp matches. I completely understand what RNG is. This has only started happening since they put out the update that introduced new stronghold levels this past summer. You are one of the lucky few. This is the typical outcome from stacking colors… like I said 9/10 times

Sorry, but the first is no starting board, the 2nd has 7 major tiles and the third is doable.

However, I would spend more attention to a proper lineup.


You’re too kind… :rofl:

@Cburkit In two of three boards you are stacking weak against tank. I think that is your issue more than the boards.