New to forums, but trying to rally support to get Aries in the next Soul Exchange.
He’s not a character I worry about fighting, but I’ve wanted him since I started playing a few years ago!
Can someone give me a link to start a poll or something?
Just want that Aries. Only character I’ve ever wanted, would trade 20 5stars for him, even though he’s not that good
You mean Ares red HOTM from ages ago?
Not sure any POLL matters towards which heroes are getting in but if Ares gets in should be 10 souls.
Imho Gregorion doesn’t deserve to be exchanged and there are cheaper crit buffers around.
As a Diaochan owner, I can confirm Lackey minions steal Ludwig’s mana buff.
Red hood… I had her from HA10 and she went to SE for Zuri…
I though in the beginning that it might be nice to use her in my minions team with Puss but then I realized that she’s not doing anything… I pulled Zhou Yu from w3k a 4* which is much more useful than her
I think she even for buff recently… Steal pOFs lol…
Btw if you have the same Zhou Yu and he hit before Russell, the fun starts as his minions put the enemies on fire and make Russell charge
Xnolphod can charge Ludwig from 9 tiles (in good scenario that Ludwig won’t get a mana debuff)
You need high level mana troops (i think magic/Styx 17 will be enough…) and mana perc
Generally you need to put beside him 2 crazy mass attack hitters and as soon as he’s charged you can kill all the enemies (theoretically)
Added: for grace you need another hard triple hitter and almur, and you get a flank killed on the other hand hitting twice with grace from Ludwig charge sound fun as well (and then with Atomos ot top )
Even when he manage to get into the small chance that the buffs are undispelable?
buff stealing is a different mechanics afaik, Diaochan minions can steal taunt and mana buff of Ludwig, regardless of the family bonus
From the hero card:
I would say, that diaochan minions can still mana buff every time, but taunt only if dispellable.
I know - I have been trying to get another hard hit-3 green 5* for ages and with no luck When Quenell was available from the last SE portal, I don’t have enough souls to trade for her
Anyway let’s see what is the actual list tmr. I may skip this round to get ready for the next SE portal where I can go for a tier-3 hero.
right, it is hard to asses if the buff is in “undispellable” state
Grace isn’t bad if you’re that desperate
I get there are defensive counters for him, but I’m most excited to use Ludwig on offense. Sign me up…
The interesting question here is which of the buff Ludwig make undispelable I assume it’s 1, the taunt or the mana charge…
Anyhow don’t take Ludwig aganist teams that block /steal/remove buffs and you’re good to go
Yes, they sure can, but CoK heroes family bonus has a 35 % / 50% chance for 2 / 3 CoK heroes on the battlefield side, to make buffs undispellable, which in turn, prevents Diaochan’s minions from stealing taunt or mana buffs. Again, it’s situational, not a rule.
I have Grace levelled up already and Almur as well of course. But need another fast hit-3 to complete the 1-2-3 punch.
Atomos does an ok job, but his hit can be situational based on mana level of the enemy.
A simple question:
If they put Ludwig in 15 heroes tier and most of players get him, they probably use him as defense tank. So is Ludwig will be the next Krampus to be nerf soon?
Nah, it is almost sure, there will come new heroes, who can punish taunters, buff stealers and such…
Tell me if this makes sense or if i’m potentially making a big mistake… and bear in mind i’m considering my choice largely based on application in my defence team…
My immediate reaction to the list is to take Ludwig - i’ve always wanted him and he’s awesome. Flanked with cMN and Congalach he could be excellent… BUT he’s slow and dispellable. I can’t see me wanting to level my Esme past her current 3/70 just to elevate the chance for undispellable to 50%.
On the other hand - if i chose Faline, i could have a F/VF defence team of (in double formation) Alucard / c2Obakan / Bubbles / El Naddaha / Faline. Seems pretty balanced and deadly.
So Faline over Ludwig - big mistake or sensible choice?
This is just me, but I think Ludwig and Feline are both great heroes but value wise…if you’re worried about the extra 5 5* heores, definately Ludwig is a dang heck of a value compared to everything else on 20 hero exchange. I could easily see him being available and find it kind of hard he is listed as a 15.
Faline is a damn beast and your choice are my two choices also