[SOLVED] S3: Hard difficulty still locked despite prior lvl completion MASTER

Anche io ho riscontrato lo stesso problema :sleepy:

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I’m sure they can get you a tshirt :man_shrugging:

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The title says all. Ty

I’m having the same issue :angry:

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difficult 4-1 does not open, all previous stages are easy and difficult passed

Hard is now available.

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Same problem. Need those tokens to try luck for telluria ;(

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Same for me. Hard levels on 4 are locked, even though normal is completed.

Yes, the same situation. Very upsetting

Same here. Locked hard levels.

This should be fixed now, please restart your game!


Thanks @Petri

Confirmed from my end.


Now is the time we all scream for compensation :joy:

@#&4356-??!/ - - > vent/rage quit

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I had the same problem… and i solved it by updating the game… :muscle::+1:t2:

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I restarted and still have the same issue if it being locked.

Edit: Ah, did the update and that fixed it.


Well I have restarted, but the hard mode is still blocked, why would this be hastily marked as solved.

Edit : it is now confirmed that update solved the problem on my device

I have the same problem. I restart the game, but still hard is block.
I did an update today when it was available.
It’s ok now. We can play

Игра обновлена. Сложный уровень доступен в 4 провинции до 6 этапа, потом кнопка опять заблокирована и в 5 провинции тоже заблокирована. Исправьте.

I finish both normal and hard levels last month. The added levels I finish normal yesterday and tried to start Hard mode today but was unable to. It said it was locked.
I went back and notice all 3 provinces from last month had 5/5 for level 10. So I redid them thinking I somehow had missed them. I did receive Valhalla tokens when completing these levels
They are still showing as incomplete although I have now done them multiple times. Screenshots provided