Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

nah bro he needs a buff, underpowered tbh - can’t believe they would release this hero like this, literally worse than a HoTM…

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Let’s just all ignore her and go back on topic.

I think this is the most discussed hero after release since C Diao. Let’s see if this one lands in the top too, or maybe top will struggle to fit her in their defense teams?

What you are doing is a criminal offence in some areas. Take that post down.


It’s not about the top though, it’s not even purely down to just this hero, it’s down to the principle that they think it’s okay to release heroes like this from now on, it’s not even about $$$ now, people would still have pulled for her if her damage was 1000 and healed for 25% and even that is still OP.

They’re going to kill the game rather quickly, I’ve stopped spending like I was last year, and hardly do now - with more heroes like this there will be no point in spending unless you’re an Arabian prince, pretty much all of our heroes are “outdated” now, but they’ll become unusable soon enough, and at that point it’s done, they’ve killed it.

I don’t know who they’ve got pulling the strings but they need to go, ASAP, and a game-wide rebalance needs to be done to save it.

That 90% likely will not happen though.

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Holy crap, on what planet do people think it’s acceptable to post someone’s personal information on a forum for a F’ing GAME???

What is wrong with you?


@Dudeious.Maximus @PlayForFun

This thread needs to go into slow mode for a while.

Completely out of hand.

Have your opinions and defend them all you like, but this is absolutely toxic behaviour right now. Its a stupid game. Have a word with yourselves, seriously.


Anyone wants to know who is flagging comments, its me.

Happy to own it.


Actually, it’s not personal information - it doesn’t contain addresses, etc - technically not a dox as it’s just what is on her Facebook, whether it’s right posting it or not, that’s a different story and could be against SGG ToS, however, it’s not illegal with the information he provided - he technically could have just posted her Facebook link.

Not endorsing it, just saying.

Yellow too, at least make it purple or something or is that next?

I think the next one is actually a unicorn card, a hero of each colour condensed into 1 card!



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I tried to flag, but I got a message that I wasn’t allowed

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Not sure why everyone needs to turn everything into a big argument in every thread, to be honest.
Everyone is allowed their opinion whether you agree or disagree, but you don’t need to always reply to one another to argue it, just accept the simple fact you disagree and be on your merry way.

Life in this game is already stressful as it is with all the issues and algorithms etc. Why make it even more so?

Honestly, I understand it’s for a discussion about the hero and whether to nerf or not, and why, but everything always turns badly. As adults, I think we really should all know when to step away from an argument. As they say, be the bigger person :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Arguments constantly flood/spam topics and make us lose “genuine” info/input, it’s honestly annoying. This is for everyone, not one specific person.

Lets just make a poll somewhere to see how many think the hero is OP and needs a nerf or not. rather than endlessly bickering.


@PlayForFun Can you please create a balance discussion for “Sludgus” everyone here bar 1 would like it.

She is OP but actually with all the Elfs around, that never miss, dodge is not so good anymore, she can be easily countered by Elfs, Tametomo etc but not everyone has them.

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Yes, but not really, they don’t do enough damage to kill this one, even if you damage it, it will spawn a damn mega minion - it’s absurdly broken - and one of those was Starwalker I was asking for a buff for who only deals 200% damage, see the issue now?

The issue is the only way to deal with these heroes they’ve just released is to have a fat wallet, it’s game-breakingly OP for everyone other than whales, they will kill the game, not just for everyone but whales, but when just whales are left, they too will have enough.

This business model is not sustainable so I don’t know what they’re playing at and how they’ll fix it apart from a game-wide rebalance when they’re at breaking point.

And again, it’s not even about the money now - that’s why it’s absurd, it’s like they’re intentionally killing it off and p*ssing everyone off, it’s diabolically disrespectful to say the utmost least.


Reminds me of when I used to play poker with coworkers. End of the night, if you ask everyone how they did, 2 guys are up $100+, 4 guys are even and 2 guys lost $20…


You’re expected to defeat this hero with your rent/mortgage funds.


Even if you hit this hero with high damage snipes, it will just spam Mega Minions.

This hero is designed to punish you for playing the game.


Just one last comment, given the amount of mega minions that are potentially spawned with this hero, there is certainly going to be a Garrison Guard type hero who will have an ability to kill mega minions in the next few months.