Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

I have not insulted anyone. I only react and respond accordingly. I don"t expect you to reread everything, just read Soulwarden’s posts especially referring to my mother.
To put this in one sentence: i don’t take kindly to personal insults. Do you?

The vast majority of my posts were purely factual and polite. You might not like what i say, that’s fine. Personal insults are not.

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FWIW, Malosi should be able to stop the Dance of the Slimy, he prevents it from all other similar heroes, and it’s helpful that Sludgus is not a monk. As for mega minions, I don’t know if there are any effective counters yet, but minion killers do take off 50% of the mega minion health. I’m thinking E&F could be somewhat effective… if a mega minion is up, they’ll likely kill it due to minion killing and damage.




Booking you into Broadmoor as we speak, do you even hear yourself?

“Address me directly”, “stfu”, generally insulting people, etc

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Her views are wrong. Clearly wrong. Out of this world wrong.

Your insults are also extremely wrong. There’s no need to lower yourself to that level. Ignore her or keep pointing out how wrong she is. Just dont be an a-hole about it.


Yep Mate, but how long will Malosi live vs a team which is coming with Sludgus? :slight_smile:

If you want to kill this monster you must build a team especially versus her…
And what about the others?
Am I allowed to bring 5 waves of heroes maybe? :smiley:

Will try my best, I did refrain and delete a couple of remarks before posting - I just don’t have time for people with such twisted minds because there’s no talking to them so it’s pointless trying to be diplomatic as their minds are so small they can’t compute and comprehend.

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Hey, I work with what I have. It really depends what the rest of the team is like. If it’s a team of OP heroes, Sludgus is probably the least of my worries, and I’ll likely pass. If it’s a team where Sludgus is the top dog, then it’s easier to concentrate on them. Also depends on the raid defence formation. I’m only making suggestions to open people’s minds rather than complain like everyone else.

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Sorry, that team will die.

Yep agree and appreciate it. Honestly i have no idea how to deal with a beast like this… Diaochan C was a real headache…now it is an even bigger problem.
Actually i would tell that this monster would massacre my attack team even if she is paired with 3* heroes. :smiley:

What did i say that is false? Please be specific. Also, pay close attention to who was rude in the first place. This, however, demands a level of personal insights that you so clearly lack

Oh, and im mentally challenged because i disagree with you? What kind of world do you live im? The fifties? You know where women did what men said? Lol. I feel sorry for you.

Also, all i am doing is replying to your nonsense. Factual comvo has left the room when you entered.

And all that BS because you have a different opinion. I do now what Kamala Harris does with trump, another sad, pathetic man: ignore.


What about Xie Zi Jing? Would She work against Sludgusmonster? :slight_smile:

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Quite frankly, there are lots of other OP heroes that I encounter where they’ll just one shot my barely untouched team with one special. If Sludgus gets the buff up, yeah, I just need to make sure I’m not targeting the others, but unlike other OP heroes which I have no defence against, I can at least mitigate one of aspect of the special.

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Nope, dance can’t be dispelled.

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I would flag her comments but she is muted and ignored at me :smiley:


I agree with you, Homoclese. Different opinions should be accepted and not be the beginning of an ugly verbal match.

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I was thinking about not the dispel, but the ignore dodge effect… o.O
But actually She is dancing with dodge? :slight_smile:

May be her skill should be called:
" I ignore all of your pathethic efforst to make damage for me"

If you found it from her name on here, that’s considered pretty easy for anyone who actually wanted to find it.

Knock this crap off. The personal attacks sour the forum.


So this hero is pretty good?