Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

I’m geniunely surprised the number of people in here that pulled sludgie on just “A couple of pulls”.


Didn’t Constance have a 100 damage punishment for dodge? Why did it get multiplied by 16? Are devs just throwing darts at the random insanities now?


3 seems to be the magic number. Should be playing the lotto.

Its like the "16 year old vegan natty bodybuilder "thats yoked to the gills

Yes, it amazes me evety time and normally it takes 30 pulls. Sometimes all of us are lucky.

Can sludgus buff be prevented by hypnos? Or the dancing skill can’t be prevented?

I’m not going to waste any second talking directly to you as you have nothing helpful or wise to say, based on your posts throughout this forum.


Children, children! Please, take this outside so we can continue talking about this cute video game character!

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I don’t knowxwho this is. And you really dont get it. I don"t care what folks think and im not interested in changing anyone’s opinion. Neither will i change mine. Accept that, that’s all i want.

And ridiculing me or anyone else, makes you look small, sad and pathetic. So that’s what i see when i read these posts. Having a different opinion, on the other, is fine.

That is exactly what i want. See, we reached an agreement.

Every time I re-read the card i realise how sick it is.
Beyond 1600 punishment there is the mega minion on loosing health and when defeated to the nearby allies? (50% hp)
What a nice passive…

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(post deleted by author)


My mother died many years ago and now you really crossed a line.
As for ‘mentally challenged’ look in the mirror. And read forum guidelines. I think there is something about civil discourse.

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Exactly, imagine going against her with 4* troops. 1 or 2 dodges and all your cards are dead.

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That’s really a ■■■■■■■ thing to say.

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It amazes me how people can be THAT MUCH out of touch with life, behaviour and “common sense”, only for a so-called game that is far from being competitive or eSports-like (more like a casino).

@Samantha7 I see you like to be personally referred, so here’s my message for you:
A dude is driving thru highway, he turns on the radio, and the speaker suddenly says: “BREAKING NEWS! A mad man is driving against traffic on the highway, be careful!”
The dude says: “only one?!? there must be hundreds!”


Oh, dann koennen wir ja deutsch sprechen, du trauriger, alter Mann
Soul Warden? Das ich nicht lache.


Here is a request to you:
1.) Stop insulting players
2.) Stop forcing your point of view
3.) Stop spamming topics with off-topic comments
4.) Don’t fight, try not to poison all the topics

Be constructive, dont offend ofthers, stay on topic (target) and try to be kind.

I can say for sure that this is a request from many people!

Will you try? Can we go back on-topic? (here and in many topics)
Thank you in advance


Listen, you need to leave and take a breather, you’re fighting a 1 man battle and you’re not going to win.

You’re obviously a bit slow in the head to not realise just how game-breakingly OP this hero is, not just for this instance but thinking in general for future releases this is okay.

Do you like the game? Then you should be against this because it’s what’s going to kill it.


Great hero!
Undispelable Dodges - great idea!
You missed on two Heroes - sorry, you are dead.
So maybe you need the snipers to kill Sludgus? No way, he will summon 2000 super minion each time you try to hit him.
This is ******* joke SG.


I so want to try blasting 15 shots into a team with this on and see how much damage Pengi can take

notice his 1595 hp, so with full hp and troops he will be able to take one dodge :sunglasses: