Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

I used three saved summons when I opened the game this morning.

Didn’t use the rest because the most OP hero I have seen to date joined my team.

I now can say I have her and that she is wildly OP.

I don’t usually want nerfs because that is what beta is for but with this hero I expect it. Anything else doesn’t make cents, uh, sense.


This smells like bait and switch. A lot.

  1. Rushed released hero.
  2. Out of her own event that didn’t even was released yet.
  3. Obviously too powerful.
  4. Covenant summon is probably close, she will be there.

They will milk a chunk of money outta her.
She will dominate leaderboards or “metrics”.

She will be nerfed. Players will riot.

Her event will come. Her stats will be buffed to get “in pair with other heroes”.
Other OP heroes will come.

Players will pay again.

:person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging: dirty smelly move from Zynga but it’s predictable. We saw it happen before.

About the hero itself, i have nothing good to say so I will stay quiet. Ridiculous, but probably very profitable.

Maybe they don’t even nerf her because the amount of heroes/events releases is so accelerated… when people get her maxed, other problematic hero will be out already.

Sad end for a once good game.


Sorry, 100% disagree. If he turns out to be such a disaster to the game, he will be nerfed. In reality, only a small number will get him and i doubt that he makes much of a difference to the game.

However, give it a couple of months and we know more. Right now, everything is conjecture.

It’s akin to say in a trial: oh no, we don’t need any evidence cause logic says…

Anyway, just difference of opinion. I got him on just 3 pulls and am very happy about it. Either way, i never support nerfs. Too many happens as it is.

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I 100% disagree with your disagreement.

If i showed this card to my 7 year old she would figure out in short order that it is ridiculous without having to test it out.

Common sense isn’t.


Soulwarden, whatever you say or think. I have never and will never support the nerfing of any hero.
More importantly (to me) i stick to my view and most certainly don’t change my opinion because you or anyone else says so.

I agree with you, if someone needs 2 months to decide that this hero is OP it only shows their level of common sense and general perception of reality.

No point arguing as I’ve seen similar posts from the same person on other OP heroes.


I very much doubt that any 7 year old sees this card as anything but a funny yellow doll. That aside, i accept anyone’s opinion, but i stick to what i consider right. Already have given you all my reasons. Nothing to add.

Pr0spero, exactly.

This is what ive been saying (and that i dont support nerfing) lets see if people change their minds.

She doesn’t have any, that’s the issue.


They’ll just give all S1 heroes a passive that renders her useless… you know, like what they did to Nautica with those Owls.

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I was going to write something nice up for you but I’ll just let @Archero do it instead.

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Please address me directly if you got something to say.

If you take some time there are now 3 or 4 people who said pretty much the same as i did, yet you and others attack only me.

Crazy hero. Playing against her makes only sense by using something like:
-Chan’ge (if you manage to cast special before her)
-Insanity heroes
-High dmg single snipes like uwe
-Healers are good!

Ofc there has to be other heroes too. Those are just what came into my mind first.

I dont believe there is many defences which are able to do well against her.

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Any chance you guys/girls can take this outside and let the rest of us hace a thread about Sludgus?


tell it to the poison girl…

she methodically destroys every topic with bickering and whining


I would have said this too but the sludges get Mega Minions if you deal a lot of damage. This hero is so ridiculous

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I doubt i am interested. I guess we are on opposing sides of everything. So not interested. Most likely, i heard it all before.

Another one who can’t talk to me but only about me. Pathetic.

Fighting each other while zynga keeps draining your life and ruining the entire gameplay (every competitive mode is already dead) with this kind of crap is non sense.