Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

She doesn’t dance or dodge, just put another dodge hero next to her like the new green Peregrine and that’s gonna cause a lot of trouuble.

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Christine Daae or Phantom of the Opera are also possible counters, but I don’t have any of them :sweat_smile:

Elves, which obviously never miss can also be very handy against her!

You cant snipe her to death as she has a MM passive that will give a MM with over 1300 HP. So every snipe needs to land 2000 HP to counter the MM and the Lb2+ 25 stats.
My strategy will be to use Darkfeather + Toon Dom and Toon Obakan and hope they can level her.
But this type of card will be built around multiple over healers flanking her with 2 damage dealers on the wing.
One way to counter such stupid defenses are to use multiple MM whose damage cant be dodged and if you are rich chase a fox to cut the heal into half and those new ninjas with minion makers who eat some health. Also cards that allow bypass all buffs like Norman.

Testing not required when common sense exists


And she is a cleric. So good luck mana control and other ailments that can detriment her from casting her special.


@Samantha7 You need to come back down to planet earth, just because you pulled her and now you’re biased, this is one of the, if not the most OP hero to date and I hope they nerf her into the ground for you.


Costume panther Hypnos Archie should stop the dodge. If you fire first.

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Let the top 20 decide if this one is OP or not. Id expect to see Slugus all over meta defences fairly quickly.

For me, it looks ridiculous. Would love to have it, will not be picking fights against it. That tells me enough.


Bro, you don’t even need a team, put 2 Hathors either side or something and she’ll literally kill the entire team singlehandedly… it’s outright disgusting and I’m not sure what they’re playing at because realistically there will be a breaking point where they can’t keep just upping stats and specials hoping players accept it.


Christine and POTO is still risky because their dance can still be dodged, unless it’s Von rothbart. But she is cleric which is able to mana shield him. There is no clear cut way to counter her. She stalls with her health, healing, MMs; and requires a super strong snipe attack to kill her

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Its gonna be worst if the green slime is together with c.hathor… u cant even debuff the immunity ailment… ■■■■ im giving ideas now… no no no!

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I managed to pull her and bring her to this level with all resources i have and I can tell she is a powerful hero. Really wasn’t expecting anything like this to drop with 1600 dmg on dodge.

Even on this state I was able to win raids against 7200 - 7400 teams.


She needs an immediate nerf. I am one of those don’t nerf people, but this absolutely ridiculous


Truly is, they need to get their heads checked, not sure what they’re playing at @Petri wtf is this


Wow…This is probably the first time I see so many frustrated players and angry comments on some new hero right after the release.

My speculation is that a nerf may eventually come, but will probably need to wait for SG to milk enough from her first.


So many premium heroes needed just to take down one hero is insane

Poor Constance crying in the corner. I mean Sludgus deals 16 times more (!) damage if dodged :roll_eyes:


Pretty darn lucky here, after Hachiko I was just hoping for the HOTM and along came Sludgie!


Released hours ago and not in a top 20 defense. Must be garbage then. Buff time!!! /Sarc off…

“Since sludgus is not being used as much as we would like, base stats will be doubled across the board and any dodged attack will result in immediate death of the caster and nearby allies”…


Even though I pulled her, I feel like this one is a bit too much. I’m not sure if she’ll be on the top defences but if paired well, she’s very hard to kill.