Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

I was wondering if you can add another option “Delete this hero” :grin:


It only takes 1 or 2 dodges for any hero to be defeated. But I’m sure she’ll get a buff for “the sake of balance” and will deal 4000 damage per dodge

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Please…i just got him (on the 3 pulls we get from pov. I tested him, and he does not damage every time and when he hits, its pretty meh. Of course, i did that on 1.1, but i did that with all my heroes, and his is the weakest hit. Great hero, great survivor im sure, great hitter: no.


No? 1600 dmg per dodge is no good hitter? Lets not forget this is not an attacking hero. Testing him at 1-1 is a joke :grin:


What is wrong with you people? This hero has been out for a couple of hours and no one has seriously tested him. From my bit of playing around, his hit is not op. He will probably survive endlessly, but…we’ll see. I can and will say more in a week. Would be nice if every hero got a fair chance beford he is shouted dowcn as either op or too weak.


It were in beta for a long time and unless a hero it’s bugged to the point of not working is clear as day when a hero is overpowered.


Yes, i only got him now obviously, but i can cpmpare him to Theodosius for example who even at 1.1 had a strong hit. Also Sludgus doesn’t hit every time.

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Then you might want to listen to the beta feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

We know exactly why SG didn’t listen to them. They are going to milk the cows and nerf it in a couple of months, depending how often we see that hero on Defenses. Normal practice by SG.


Its not the hit from her but the incoming dodge that gives that crazy damage. And if u gonna snipe her, they will have that slime MM spawn each time with more hp for her… u cant tile dump her too… but i feel that she is very underwhelming. Her dodge should be 100% and the damage should be like 4500…

Soooooooo not OP at all!


No need to test this hero.

Recover %50 hp
When you hit hard him, he spawns a mega minion he gains extra time to recover.
Dodge for 4 turn + 1600 damage for each one.

This hero should be “very very slow” not average


I don’t believe you. They would never ever use this strategy :rofl:

I wonder what kind of drugs the devs are on when they make these heroes? I think they need to start sharing :rofl:


1600 damage on dodge is a massive hit compared to Constance. Also the dance effect makes all allies resist other status ailments so this card is going to be a tough one to kill in defence.

2LB skill is regen so if you pair it with the right troop, you get +5% hp each turn at the start of a battle for 6 turns. Happy days xD


Errrr… 20 chars of :scream:

Hmm, I am not too sure if she is actually that op since she doesn’t dance and therefore also can’t dodge. Sure, she is definitely very good, and you need a ton of firepower to snipe her out but as I said, she won’t dodge :thinking:


The 2nd whale just joined Samwhalantha

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hey, there is a typo in description - i think it should be 160 instead of 1600. can you fix it?


Heyy… its not nice calling names there. She has her own opinion and we should respect that. We can have disagreement but its childish to call out names like that…


Basically you were right but that person takes every opportunity to argue and create tension - without showing any respect to others opinion :slight_smile:
So, Noooo way

If you dont believe me just check many many topics and you will find her pointless fights everywhere.


You are calling me a whale because I just say the truth? :smile:

I would be a whale if I already had Slugdus, but I won’t even try to get her with these odds.


I believe thats the key to hold her off. She doesnt dance. I was thinking of von rothbort would be her antidote…

But not everybody has that hero… hmm…