We have a rare opening for 2 experienced, long term members to join our active but low pressure Alliance
If you are looking for a team that is respectful of your busy life, please come and join our amazing family! Check us out, once you join you won’t want to leave!! Our levels range from 32 to 87! We are capped at 10* Titans but need your help to improve this! Wars are optional, but if you opt in, you must use all 6 flags.
90 days = Elder, 1 year = Co-Lead
My current alliance is capped at 11*, but they let too many go for me. Do you guys try to fight all tirans or do you let 11* titans go?
Hey JW
We are capped at 10* but only because we need more strong players to hit titans. I’m hoping 3 new joiners will do the trick! Many players do attempt the 11*s and we have defeated many. We only really let them go when we are hours in and it’s clear we can’t defeat.
You can always give us a try whilst I’m recruiting and leave if we’re not for you. I hope this helps
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