I missed this detail… anyway, I am going to max her since I have abundance of tonic but not many green…
She seems correct for an already deep green roster. I just pulled her and think she can do the job after a hit from Frigg or Phileas Fogg. Too bad she doesn’t hit three however.
She should hit first. .
She doesn’t have to if Frigg goes off first.
By the look child of Telluria and Horghall?
Kind of surprised by the lukewarm reception! as I can see her doing the damage with a green element def down! Plus, big stand out from other regular def downs is she does the def down first then hits! I’m defo tempted to maybe work on levelling later in the year, so she’s a cool pick to me
Why? It would be much worse?
To increase Frigg’s damage and sometimes Frigg’s ailment is higher.
The one with the biggest damage hit should go last
Looks like the Telluria costume before they decided to stop releasing new costumes for old HOTM that you could pull in the Tavern of Legends Portal. Telluria is called „Forest God“ aswell
I got her today with the golden token pulls I saved for April. Not very excited after having tested her in beta.
-def on legendary green is rare and in theory should be exciting. But so what when after SG introduced their god forsaken LB aethers, I could take my 4 star Marcel to ~820 power without having to worry about tonics and stuff. And when you compare her to Marcel, they are pretty much equal… Same speed - Marcel hits 3 for 300%, Silvaria only one for 350% (though she hits them after the def is reduced, so let’s say that’s closer to 400%… still total damage dealt is higher for Marcel). Then she summons some of the weakest minions the game have seen - which to me is more of a liability, given how many heroes nowadays punish minions hard. Even Marcel’s passive feels more useful to me than this very niche summon on burn. 35% hp minion is strong, but how many times do we fight against burn these days? And take green heroes against that? Frankly in that scenario I would much rather take Elradir than her. At least he deals some damage back, as a damage dealer should. Not hide behind some poor forest creature.
So it’s funny that she needs 6 tonics, damascus and d-blade to be comparable (imho worse) than one of the new event 4 star hero who requires a fraction of asc mats, emblems and feeders to get there. Yup, when you give her talents and aethers she will be more sturdy and hit one target a bit stronger than LBd Marcel but you tell me if that’s worth it to prove the point.
This hero will be only useful to very cheap players, who don’t even summon enough to have the event epics, don’t have many non-classic greens yet somehow got lucky and pulled her. Otherwise, look elsewhere, unless you have 60 tonics.
Interesting review I hope she will be okay.
I’ve got 23 sat idle and have always been short on greens.
I’m hoping it’s worthwhile and if it takes lb then I’ll have to go with the flow because I’ve not got much else. I suppose the only upside is unlike Tell she’ll probably never be nerfed, perhaps buffed.
I think her problem is… She is average mana speed and she hits one only…
All the green elemental def heroes are fast… Evelyn, Fogg and even Almur… So ideally you will hit elemental def down to 3 first and then use two other hit-3 or AoE hitters (e.g. Francine, Frigg, Zeline, Quenell etc.) to take out one side. So if I need to put my lvl 23 mana troops on an average speed hero, it will be someone who can hit 3 or more - Guan Yu, Hatter, Atomos etc.
Being avg speed and hit one only, Silvaria is in a awkward position to synergize with rest of the team in attack.
That’s why I was repeatedly suggesting that she should either be fast, or hit 3 and ideally both be fast and hit-3 but with a lower damage. But of course SG won’t make that happen lol.
For Quenell
That’s the one my is for…
Exactly the same here. I was hoping she’ll get some sort of pre-release buff, but, well… anyway, this seems to be my lucky morning, already got Quentin and Silvarya out of 8 EHT’s and 600 gems. I’ll stop here, I guess, no point in pushing my luck, it’s been stretched thin already.
Well, on the alliance level I’m playing seeing a blue tank flanked by Azlar (or sometimes JF or even Emilio) is not so rare.
I would take both of them, Def down before Elradir’s hit would be welcome
Yeah, it’s me less than $100 spent in 2 years qualifies as “Very cheap” I think.